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Laura Marling – Your Only Doll (Dora) Lyrics 11 years ago
I personally think the song is about a girl who is an alcoholic or addicted to drugs (poison in my veins). I don't think it's about abuse at all. I think the man she speaks of loves her very much, he yells for her being late because he worries about her. The only time she really feels anything at all is when they sleep together. The final verse could be him killing her or her killing herself. She's "refusing to be alive", this says more suicide than murder to me. I think she is broken due to the man misunderstanding her, I could be wrong! I think "hand on my shirt, hand on my face, head to the wall" could be romantic, he could be kissing her against a wall. She could have killed herself due to her self abuse and die at this point. Or, like many have said, he may have killed her. However I don't think this would be out of spite, someone else said he may have been trying to shake it out of her, of course he would be scared of what she was doing to herself!

Who knows?!

Laura Marling – Night Terror Lyrics 12 years ago
I think this song is about herself, suffering with bi-polar just like in My Manic And I. She refers to her manic self as male. She is trying to reassure herself that everything is okay when she believes it isn't.

Laura Marling – Blackberry Stone Lyrics 12 years ago
Personally, I believe this song is her side of her and Charlie Fink's break-up.

Clearly the first reason for believing this is the lyric "I'd be sad that I never held your hand as you were lowered." which I (and most people seem to) see as a direct reference to Noah and the Whale's Hold My Hand As I'm Lowered - a song which I think was written about how Charlie wanted Laura to stay with him through everything. Generally the whole of NATW's first album was written about Laura and definitely the whole of the second was. I think Laura perhaps found this a bit difficult to deal with, "You never did learn to let me be." I think she is trying to say that really it was all too much for her, she didn't so much want space or to be away from Charlie but she just wanted him to not be so clingy (as such).
I also think this song is about how she chose Marcus Mumford over Charlie Fink, she says "I couldn't turn my back on a sweet smelling blackberry stone." Blackberry stones aren't really something you hear of often - or ever! Perhaps she is suggesting that Marcus was too special for her to warrant going back to Charlie... Although she still loves him, maybe? "I'll whisper that I love this man now and for forever to your soul as it floats out of the window." I have always thought this was about Charlie, how she will always love him but she just doesn't want to be with him anymore.

Just my idea, though!

Noah and the Whale – Our Window Lyrics 12 years ago
for the past three months this song really has been my relationship and now my break-up. knowing that you're going to have to lose somebody because they're changing, they're hardly the person you knew in the first place. it hurts for a while but you know you'll be over it soon enough. this song is particularly special to me as me and my ex used to lay under the sky and watch the stars, and one of the lines in the chorus says "it's been a while since i stared at the stars."

i think the whole song is about how while charlie fink was still with laura marling she was distancing herself from him; "you're talking like a stranger, and i don't know what to do." knowing that the relationship near enough over is always terribly difficult, charlie sings how they both aren't ready to leave each other. but, of course, this really is only because they have been together for so long now that neither of them knew any better but to be together - even if they were unhappy. "we both know that by autumn you're the colour of leaves." i think this means that she is changing and soon enough she'll be a whole different person, and she won't love charlie anymore.
the ending of the song says "we know we can't keep going." suggesting that they are closer than ever to finishing. "blue skies are coming but i know that it's hard" really means that things WILL get better, he knows that. but right now, everything positive is being shadowed by the thought of losing laura.

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