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Noah and the Whale – L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N. Lyrics 12 years ago
the first time i heard it, it got stuck in my head the next day, but you know how you can't always remember exactly how it goes after hearing it just once? so i was thinking it was super upbeat and like a fun sounding song, and the next time i heard it i was like...oh. its a syrup song. i still love it though.

Noah and the Whale – L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N. Lyrics 12 years ago its "life goes on." but just in letters. O_o

The Head and the Heart – Sounds Like Hallelujah Lyrics 12 years ago
I'm really sad because... I love love love this song and a few days ago I came to this page and there was nothinggggggg, so I started thinking about what this song means and I think:
It means nothing! The lyrics are slightly cryptic and the verses kind of have nothing to do with each other. So that makes me think they just wanted it to sound like it was really deep even though they just didn't have any other deep personal experiences to write a song about. (hence their only having one album) And the momma don't put no gun in my hand part just reminds me of Bohemian Rhapsody...I don't think that's what they were going for?? But what wereee they going for then?
Prove me wrong! I want this song to havvvvve a meaning cause I still love it!

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