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Killswitch Engage – Always Lyrics 10 years ago
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Killswitch Engage – Always Lyrics 10 years ago
Linking in with stevesx48, another Biblical comparison that could be seen is the chorus/overall song theme with Matthew 28:20: "...And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." As their singer Jesse Leach is indeed a follower of Christ a lot of Biblical ideas pop up all over his work, arguably even in every one of his songs, at least in Killswitch Engage/Times of Grace/Seemless anyway.

My personal interpretation is that the song is written from the perspective of God to the listener, assuring us simply that He is always there for us, even in the worst of times. For one who has accepted God into their life through Christ this means eternal reassurance and the ability to rest in difficult times, knowing God with never leave them because of Christ's work on the cross. With one who hasn't it could be seen more as a calling for them to realize this and put their faith in Him.

"As far as east is from the west, remember" brings to mind Psalm 103:12: "as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.". I see this as a reminder that our transgressions (crime of sin against God) are completely removed from the one who has faith in Christ that His death and resurrection was the perfect sacrifice and substitute for our sins, meaning it's not by our own works, but solely in His, that we can rest assured.

The only part of the song I feel could betray this interpretation is "From life until death takes me." which suggests that whoever the song is written from the perspective of will one day die. One way this could work is if you read the lyric from the perspective of Jesus Christ, who is both fully human and fully God (God in flesh with the two natures of both God and man, called the Hypostatic Union if anyone is interested in Christian theology) and physically died on the cross. In that case it reminds me of Jesus telling His disciples in the gospel accounts of what was to happen later in His life before the event.

So it's an interesting song that seems fairly simple at first but could be looked into a lot more deeply.

Mastodon – Black Tongue Lyrics 12 years ago
I heard in an interview with the drummer that the song was about a parrot as they have black tongues. Being Mastodon a think the lyrics really are up for interpretation of the listener and that was probably just the inspiration for the title ;)

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