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Freelance Whales – Ghosting Lyrics 13 years ago
When I hear the line...
"The Reason My Inside's Are so Swollen Is I Spend To Much Time Ghostin' With The Like's of You And Yours."

To me it means the reason my head (Inside's) is so stuffy and cloudy (or swollen) is I spend to much time (using the smoking definition of ghosting-@ the bottom) filling my head with thoughts of a certain person and what they like, and what they do, and what they think that it gets to the point that I can't get them out of my system.

Ghosting:When to take a hit and hold it into your lungs so long that when you finally exhale nothing come out.

jus mi own personal opinion, i don't think thats what the song actually means. but for me that line and mi interpretation of it is so true.
~Thankx For Reading!~

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