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Flickerstick – Smile Lyrics 1 month ago
Lyrically, the drug connotation is clear given how "high" is spelled (i.e. hiiiiiiiiiiigh)

Basically, the lyricist is so wasted, he thinks his roach is his soul mate.

the "ship" is a metaphor for his lungs clearly intoxicated by the green stuff.

Turning a "frown" into a "smile" is the concept of taking a downer drug and optimistically enjoying the, ahem, "hiiiigh*.

Not a complex interpretation here. If you've accidentally eaten two brownies too many, the visuals here are as obvious as a brick falling on your head.

Fleetwood Mac – Never Going Back Again Lyrics 1 year ago
@[K123911:45469] well if the lyrics went to 80 times, 81 times, I'd be inclined to agree with you.

Fleetwood Mac – Never Going Back Again Lyrics 1 year ago
"You don't know what it means to win"--such a beautiful song lyric.. In relationships there is always a dumper and the dumped. The dumped knows exactly what this means.

Fleetwood Mac – Never Going Back Again Lyrics 1 year ago
"You don't know what it means to win"--such a beautiful song lyric.. In relationships there is always a dumper and the dumped. The dumped knows exactly what this means.

Fleetwood Mac – Never Going Back Again Lyrics 1 year ago
"You don't know what it means to win"--such a beautiful song lyric.. In relationships there is always a dumper and the dumped. The dumped knows exactly what this means.

Frightened Rabbit – Floating in the Forth Lyrics 1 year ago
the song is about committing suicide in one's mind after breaking up with a loved one.

One line that is uncanny is "on the Northern Side there's a Fife of Mine"....I'm wondering if in local Scottish slang, a Fife is a person from that city who is also a buddy. Or could the Northern Side be the other side of life? His dead buddies on the other side waiting for him? Or is it the dead floating him that find his dead corpse.

The writer is envisioning the spectacle of his impending suicide. But then he points out that he'll delay it.... Frightening because you don't sense that he has shut the door on the idea. Very clever qualifying remark there.

Frightened Rabbit – I Feel Better Lyrics 1 year ago
when your final act to a loved one is the last loved song you'll ever write about her tells me that this is a song about depressed feelings after a few cups of coffee. the energy of the music is as if a man has recovered from trapped feelings of love for someone he's since separated from.

clouds seems to refer to clinical depression; and in the lyrics the author is indicating that some light (not feeling as depressed) does make it thru the clouds of his depression from time to time.

The writer confesses he is imprisoned by his depression with the line "now I am free in parenthesis". Parenthesis implies being locked behind barriers. So when you are free and yet imprisoned at the same time, that cannot be great feeling.

I think this song is the author say he's happy despite being in utter misery.

Glen Campbell – Wichita Lineman Lyrics 1 year ago
Such a beautiful and deeply depressing song. As someone who has bad hearing (too many loud jam sessions without earplugs when I was young), I get it when the voice speaks of the "whine" on the line. To me it's like incessant ringing of my ears.

The sad "energy" of the music is hypnotic. Lyrically, there's an emotion of desperate longing. The voice is clinging to life in a rather dull job and is enlightened by the memory of someone close to heart.

This song was written the year I was born, so the longing for me is nostalgia when I tie this song to possibly some of my earliest childhood memories and there could even be a love for the past that you cannot return to.

Ultimately, this is a love song. But as we all know love is very deeply complex at times. The feeling I could imagine is if my loved one died and I was alone continuing on with only my memories of her. As losing my loved one is my greatest fear, the sadness of this song reflects that vulnerability.

Justin Bieber – Love Yourself Lyrics 1 year ago
Yes I said it: “the song is about being pesky whipped.” There I said it. We’ll in code I said it.

Justin Bieber – Love Yourself Lyrics 1 year ago
@[HenryTheDude:44499] uh, you mean a bitch? Lol?

Justin Bieber – Love Yourself Lyrics 1 year ago
So the song is obviously about the narrator’s bitterness over a love that screwed or “loved” him over.

But there is a structural musical quotation in the guitar riff that starts the song going. It is obviously the intro to the Beatles “All You Need Is Love”…

When I first heard this Bieber song, I kept singing to myself “Love, love, love..”

What that signifies is the songwriter’s bitter confession that despite detaching himself from this woman, he still eerily realizes a part of his heart is always a slave to her and in mantra is trying to self convince him self that all he needs is love to right the wrongs.

Deep Blue Something – Breakfast At Tiffany's Lyrics 1 year ago
The lady is clearly bored with his melodrama and off to better things as is obvious given how badly the lyrics flow.

Ironically a great song though lol

The Smiths – Ask Lyrics 2 years ago
In his live version he alters the lyric by proclaiming the world is blind:\n\n“Nature is language can’t you read,\nNature is a language can anybody read?”\n\nThe song lyrics here are understandibly misanthropic. It seems the writer is really saying for there to be love, the planet must in fact rid all of humanity. It’s humbling when you really think about it. We aren’t worthy of being a part of this universe and that’s what actually makes nature so beautiful.

Jethro Tull – With You There to Help Me [Beat-Club 1970-1971] Lyrics 2 years ago
Musically this song has such a deep autumnal tonality that is odd that the song takes place in the summer, although with the “80 days reference”, we could be placing the narrator sonewhere around late August.\n\nMaybe the lyric is about being down that the long days are retreating into the jaws of an impatient autumn waiting in line to destroy the narrator’s will?\n\nSo the narrator resolves this dilemma by leaning on one particular close friend to help lesson the down mood.

The Lassie Foundation – I'm Stealin' to Be Your Own in a Million Lyrics 2 years ago
Lots of cliches here…not much meaning if every lyric was already previously said or thought of.

The Fray – Never Say Never Lyrics 2 years ago
Seems to be some kind of homage to cliches; no real original lyric here to define what the meaning might be. It seems to me the writer had a great melody and just simply jotted down the first flock of cliches that came to mind.

Gin Blossoms – Allison Road Lyrics 2 years ago
No one notes that Allison Rd could also reference the Allison Road in Olive Branch, Mississippi, just a 10 minute drive south from where they recorded the “New Miserable Experience” at Ardent Studios in Memphis, TN.

Frightened Rabbit – Floating in the Forth Lyrics 3 years ago
When I first heard this song, it seemed more like a lament and the ponderance of someone obsessing over their plans to commit suicide after breaking up with their loved one.

In retrospect, it was a cookbook for something that he planned to do for another year and 10 years later, after the band's ironic success from the pains that inspired its music, we realize that the lyrics were the architecture of his obsession from the pains he felt from this experience and time only gave him more time to preponder how to most accurately carry out his sad vision.

The opening of the song is what a police boat sounds like when it cruises up the forth river. It even sounds like a heavy Ferry which more succinctly describes the metaphor of the gravity or heaviness of his heart as he ponders how to start the song. Perhaps after his loved one left him, he would day dream along the mouth where the Forth River meets the North Sea. This mouth swallowing what was left of his pride leaving him only with the pain of his obsessive thoughts of lonliness.

The first stanza, he essentially lays the rule which is that his soul died the day she left him. The spine collapsing is how his soul had already jumped off the forth road bridge and collided with the wall of the North Sea.

Based on that premise, the song is about a dead man talking to his audience in a comatose state of being. Scott Hutchinson has hinted many times that he wasn't too happy and that a "6 out 10" day was about as good as would ever get. 10 years of that of course makes the gravity of time release the hidden, pent up passions of his sadness that much heavier.

From the first stanza, he visualizes what he already feels: a dead man floating on the forth river We all thought that he had since healed thanks to the lyric "I think I'll save suicide for another day."

The second stanza has him seemingly simultaneously in two scenarios where he's heading to the site where he'll jump and take his life and whereby he's been recovered and is being taken away. Perhaps, by accepting the task of taking a cab or a vehicle to the bridge to jump, he is in a sense a living corpse in a metaphorical hearse.

The Forth Road Bridge is a rather dull, boring suspension bridge that does have pedestrian access to it and it is located on the A9000 which connects to M9 which connects to M8. This gives us information about the 2nd stanza which seems to be a road map from where he broke up with his lass to the bridge. The M8 heads towards Edinburgh which I believe that was where he lived when he was starving musician in his mid twenties. This could mean he felt he died before he even got to the bridge so the act was not really the death but the loss of his loved one represented his hopes and was thus the true funeral procession in his depressed mind's eye.

By the reference of the m8 and pointing out that to the North is a "Fife of mine" or a place that was special place to him, we most definitely have him looking to the other side of the bridge and realizing that the midway point on the bridge represented the purgatory he was in. Hell must've been Edinburgh where his heart was broken and Fife, the county on the other side of the bridge represented his hopes and dreams, who knows, maybe he met his girl over there? That's a secret he kept to himself from these lyrics, but perhaps in other lyrics, there might be light shed on that mystery.

The boat he imagines for him seems most logically to be that police boat that would retrieve his dead body.

The chorus ends into a sort of poetic "bridge" of sorts as he describes the feeling of the actual moment of him liberating himself from his sadness. The music has a manic sort of hopefulness that provides visions of chopping waves and gulls seemingly approving of his bold act of protest.

The song seems to end with him postponing this eventual act as he tells himself to gather his loose change (or mad thoughts) , shake it out like how a dog shakes off water from his fur and continue on living.

We see an astounding lyrical juxtaposition in that after the first stanza, he was negotiating his suicide with himself over the day; where in the final line, he saves suicide for another "year."

One final note, is in his imagery, he saw himself fully clothed as he floats away.

His final tweet mirrors this dark lyric when he told his fans, "I'm away now."

The tweet although it may have physically came from his fingers, it wasn't the Scott we all loved, but rather the dark thoughts that turned him into a zombie of sorts.

I think he is at peace now. He was such a funny individual, it's sort of hard to think that he held on to those thoughts so strongly.

Foster the People – Pumped Up Kicks Lyrics 3 years ago

Cliff Richard – Dreamin' Lyrics 3 years ago
Obviously a song about drug use. The clue is in the lyric that indicates he walking around at 4am. 4am??? That's when drug dealing is at its peak because the late night cop shift ends at 4am and the morning shift starts at 6am.

So the "woman" is whatever drug he is trying to "dream" into his life. I'm guessing this could be a reference to heroin use which was just beginning to push away cocaine as the drug of choice during that historical era.

Cliff Richard – Dreamin' Lyrics 3 years ago
Obviously a song about drug use. The clue is in the lyric that indicates he walking around at 4am. 4am??? That's when drug dealing is at its peak because the late night cop shift ends at 4am and the morning shift starts at 6am.

So the "woman" is whatever drug he is trying to "dream" into his life. I'm guessing this could be a reference to heroin use which was just beginning to push away cocaine as the drug of choice during that historical era.

Liz Phair – Perfect World Lyrics 3 years ago
This reads like a conversation between one's thoughts and the irony their inner personality is in contrast with the outer personality they try to project combined with a one-sided dialogue between that self and the individual that person is drawn to and the comlexity those feelings leave her with.

Shall we then delve into the lyrics and see why I've diagnosed the lyrics as such? Ok, I'm glad you asked:

Before reading the lyrics, it's been noted in many of Liz Phair's song of a person that is very withdrawn, introverted, shy, and somewhat self-centered yet oddly self-pitying. This again explains her voice quesitoning the irony of who she is: a famous rock singer who is very much taxed by people in general yet it's thes same people who give her the air she needs to find the peace with her introspective cravings.

So this song is an introspection of sorts.

Let's look at the evidence that presents this and follow the lyrics line by line:

"What a pretty life you have
Oh boy, it's a pretty life you have
And I would need a map
Just so I could navigate the back yard"

I think she is talking to herself about her "public" success in life. The lay of the land of her music profession probably? Seems reasonable. So much success that she's circled the globe. Hence the reference to needing a map. I think she is also simultaneously referring to her normal life where in her private space, it's just as much of a world and everything in her private space is laid out as well that in her mind there is also a map just to get her out of the house.

"Home is very ordinary
I know I was born to lead a double life
A murderous strife and misery
And when I find it, I know I'll make sense of me"

This more or less confirms that she is analyzing her life in its facets: her public life and private life. The last sentence seems to be her indicating she is confused by this paradox of life she is living in. It's sort of an expression of melancholy when one describes the complexity of their life from their vantage point of looking inwardly while observing what is happening outwardly or the public perception she gives off.

The chorus seems to speak of loneliness:

"I want to be cool, tall, vulnerable and luscious
I would have it all if I'd only had this much
No need for Lucifer to fall if he'd learn to keep his mouth shut
I would be be involved
Be involved
Be involved
Be involved
I would be involved with you"

It's another melancholic expression of being a hopeless romantic and sort of seeing, consciously how hopeless it is.

The short next verse seems to be her questioning her sanity as if she has multiple personalities as well as exploring the complexity of her thirst for having alone time so to speak:

I know the girls
That live inside your world
Just sitting next to a mortal makes their skin crawl

This short verse gives us a clue of her loneliness as she repeats the chorus where she basically and tragically seems to be wishing for a soul mate but only on her terms.

Then, she just emphasizes this thought again and the song abruptly ends.

Yeah. The song is about loneliness.

The The – This Is the Day Lyrics 4 years ago
Pretty amazing song. As this was written by a 22 year old, I think we see this song is about a hangover and lamenting a great gathering, perhaps a party of youth that will never be as vivacious.

I cannot fathom that a 22 year old means anything deeper than that.

Frightened Rabbit – The Twist Lyrics 4 years ago
The song meaning is simple; having sex is only a temporary solution to loneliness. A bandage to an ever hemorrhaging sadness.

In the song prior to this, “Fast Love” he writes “good night it’s stroke time”...he describing nothing more than a distraction to make his pains wane.

The theme is that all these solutions do not ultimately solve the problem.

Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit Lyrics 4 years ago
The taste part and finding it hard but hard to find is definitely about the discovery of the females clitoris via cunnilingus.

It’s a metaphor on the obsequious value of the feminine spirit. Quite poetic.

Billy Joel – All For Leyna Lyrics 5 years ago
I’ve had a Leyna. It’s not necessarily a one night stand, but rather, a strong connection with a woman when a lonely man quite honestly a novice when it comes to his feelings.

This song pretty sums up 25 year old hopeless male romantics.

Then they grow up or an older woman who feels sorry for him (usually a more refined Leyna that’s grown up and isn’t as magnetic as she used to be) helps him grow up.

Then a guy turns into a man.

This song is about a lonely “guy” who thinks he’s in love with someone who he’s really obsessed by.

Frightened Rabbit – Floating in the Forth Lyrics 5 years ago
The song’s about a literal commitment to ending one’s life and obsessing over how it (ironically the lack of being) could possibly be.

Sad as hell in retrospect.

Frightened Rabbit – The Modern Leper Lyrics 6 years ago
This song makes me (the masochist) cry.

The writer is saying he's not worthy to
be loved to the person who loves him.

The writer is saying he's trying his best
not to be so negative

but is trying

to convince those that love him
to stop bothering.

Everything But the Girl – Little Hitler Lyrics 6 years ago
Nice guys finish last and girls love bad boys....but all in sarcasm.

Stina Nordenstam – Little Star Lyrics 6 years ago
In an interview, Stina Nordenstam talked about "Little Star" and after a very long pause said, "I wrote the song, extremely late at the time, things like that are very healthy and rich when I do things like that.

and it's about a suicide, I think, I'm not sure but I think."

I think she was in deep thought and was perhaps tired when she composed the song? Definitely, the song is a sort of melancholic stream of conscience.

I don't think the meaning is definitive or specific.

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – The Mercy Seat Lyrics 6 years ago
Mercy Seat isn't so cut and dry. Everyone wants to know: Did he get executed for a crime he didn't commit?

Of course not. With the lyrics as a weak defense case, we see a stubborn murderer using his final breaths trying reconcile the bitter life he had.

When you're jailed and stripped of your freedom, you begin turn into the victim you murdered.

The song is about how one is always haunted by their incidents of bad karma.

Mineral – Love Letter Typewriter Lyrics 7 years ago
Lots of drug references in this. It's clearly about the lyricist's thanking the drugs for opening his mind to a greater possible world before him. The clue is in the "where the trees (clearly a metaphor for "green" or ganja or pot or marijuana and "sky"...what is "high"? Obviously the sky and the "green" or "tree" was what connected his mind from his grounded, boring reality to the sky where up there high, there's a view of the world he never realized.

The second part of the lyric is the writer glorifying marijuana for allowing him to attain that spiritual realm that, ahemph...I guess he apparently could not reach while sober.

Let tell you all something, soberly being high is a much more intense high than any drug. It also allows for more original and meaningful song lyrics.

Queen – She Makes Me (Stormtrooper in Stilettoes) Lyrics 7 years ago
You know, I'm no rocket scientist but this song's about an arrogant female who used a man and pretty much treats him like a molded wafer.

and the man's too pathetic to let go of her even though he realizes how horrible of a human being she is...

I think the key line is: "and if I'm very slow, she makes me so..."

He is downright convicting her of assault and battery of his heart.

Basicallly, the song writer is saying that Love is Fascist.....

James – Sometimes (Lester Piggott) Lyrics 7 years ago
@[rossx:17532] Completely agree: "Laid" is as overrated as repetitive sex with the same spouse over the course of 20 years.

James – Sometimes (Lester Piggott) Lyrics 7 years ago
Last I checked, you buy an ounce of crack anywhere near or around Sheffield, it's referred to as "a monsoon."

Don't read into all the metaphor jive. The lyricist is obviously talking about an unforgettable drug induced frenzy on a rainy day.

Kids, remember: drugs are bad for yah. Don't call me the fascist for ordering you not to take them. The fascist are in fact the drugs.

Owl City – Fireflies Lyrics 7 years ago
Fireflies is about a drug induced experience of combining alcohol, LSD and Heroin.

The key give away in the lyric are the metaphors to describe each drug type:

The reference to alcohol is in the line: "I'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly"....when you're drunk and spinning at what appears to be at least 70 mph in a circle, that's what you'd like to believe.

The reference to hallucinogenic is subtle but can be cracked by these two lines:

The "fox trot" line combined with:

'Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar (jar, jar)"

is the key: everyone keeps their shrooms in a jar. Foxtrot refers to the writer's fear of being busted on a possession charge.

Heroin's so obvious within the frame work of the lyrics. The writer seems to dabble on and off about whether he's hyper and alert or apathetic and narcoleptic. This line is typical mindsets expressed by junkies in rehabilitation clinics: "Leave my door open just a crack
Please take me away from here
'Cause I feel like such an insomniac
Please take me away from here
Why do I tire of counting sheep
Please take me away from here
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep"

Typically, a drug addict experiences insomnia and has suicidal thoughts which can be inferred inthe lyrics. The writer of this song was seriously disturbed when penning this tune.

Kids, don't do drugs or you'll become like this.

James – Sometimes (Lester Piggott) Lyrics 7 years ago
There's obviously a LOT of drug reference in this great song. "Crack and thunder, crack and thunder, It's closing in, it's closing in..."

Firstly, there's clear oblivion in the lyrical structure. Crack and Thunder is street lingo in certain parts of Suffolk the refer to being ripped off in a drug deal but not really giving a hoot about it cause it got yah high anyhow.

Unrelated to drugs is the vulnerability of the voice in the chorus:

"Sometimes, when I look deep into your eyes I swear I can see your soul."

It's as if the writer's so incoherent that even when as focused as possible, using all his might he can only "swear" that he sees the soul of the person he loves.

He's still holding back his feelings. Truly compelling.

Kids: don't do drugs.

Nada Surf – Blizzard of '77 Lyrics 7 years ago
I'm a song writer and there has to be some sort of significance when he writes "I miss you more than I ever knew 3x's"

You say it once and it's just a big regret.

You say it twice, you're reaching out. Hoping.

But the the third time. It's like pushing a paper boat love letter into an ocean that engulfs the message.

The song is a love letter that was never sent to the person whom the feelings were intended to.

Nada Surf – Weightless Lyrics 8 years ago
Have you ever eaten "space cakes"? That's what this song's about.

Obvious drug usage reference. Obviously "weightless" means light headedness that one feels when the shrooms kick in about 45 minutes after eatin' them.

The rest of the lyrics are typical "streams of conscience" rhetoric that's intended to be obscure simply because when you write song lyrics under an influence of a substance, the meaning's gonna be rather uncertain.

Amazing song.

CHVRCHES – Down Side of Me Lyrics 8 years ago
@[rrgn:8032] Poignant song lyric. Spot on. Read your interpretation and it resonated with how the song makes me feel. It's about loving someone and ignoring the very fact that the relationship is dying. In all relationships, one person always fights to keep it going and the other side always makes up all the reasons for why it must fail in the end. It's reminiscent of the "Elephant Love Medley" from the movie Moulin Rouge where one character is talking about the possibility of how great love is and the other character (Satine) dismisses the possibility that love exists.

Journey – The Party's Over (Hopelessly in Love) Lyrics 9 years ago
@[DarkPoo:3570] Wasn't it "our love is idee fixe (the french word for fixated infatuation)?

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young – Suite: Judy Blue Eyes Lyrics 9 years ago
Lyrically the song bites on so many levels. It was written somewhere around the Summer of '69 or the apex of the Hippie/Free Love movement. The song is lyrically poignant because it points out that there really is no such thing as "free love" because there's always a point in a relationship where the dynamics and misunderstandings over both person's interpretation of love for one another is.

In this song, the 1st person feels inadequate to his lover, who appears to be an extreme free thinker. They probably both met at a concert in Golden Gate Park and in the moment fell in love and probably even proclaimed their eternal love to one another.

Fast forward, probably, as in most relationships (i.e. a week later) the sparks aren't as strong. The 1st person's lover seems to have gone in many directions cause him to feel pained.

We all see that in the lyrics.

But what we don't see is that the 1st person probably though he was a hippie and believed in free love only to realize he's probably a classic "American Dream" conservative, monogamystic lover. He's writing his dilemma in these song lyrics and the meaning is special because it applies in all eras of humanity where there is a courtship process between lovers.

Simon and Garfunkel – The Boxer Lyrics 9 years ago
@[UWDawgfather:3373] I like you am a pessimist and don't read lyrics for their facade meaning. I have often pondered the "come on from the whores of 7th Avenue" line. If I remember correctly, wasn't or isn't a major record label on 7th Avenue in Manhattan? Musicians are pretty much treated like whores by the pimps (i.e. Record companies who make the lion's share of recording revenues).

Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb Lyrics 9 years ago
Sure this movie is a part of the movie the Wall and there could even be a Syd Barrett reference. The bones of the song is nothing more than that of acceptance of fate. It's sort of on the same lines of meaning as the Rolling Stones' "You Can't Always Get What You Want."

In both songs, the narrator is disillusioned with life but is at peace with their demise.

The Growlers – Someday Lyrics 9 years ago
This is definitely the song from the point of view of a pusher communicating either directly or subliminally to a drug addict in rehab counting the days when they are free to go out.

The dealer is saying someday, thing's'll get better.

Isn't it amazing how bands talk about this stuff in code?

Bob Dylan – Shelter from the Storm Lyrics 9 years ago

lol, Yup, us dudes are too stupid to realize what we got is good enough. This song ain't nothing but "the grass is greener next door" speech.

James Blunt – You're Beautiful Lyrics 9 years ago
The "I'm fucking high" part always makes me cry because being high or drunk is nothing more than a self-defense mechanism to try and masquerade shyness or the inability to express feelings you wanna express.

I really feel the meaning in that one simple lyric. You cannot describe a man's vulnerability better than that simple line.

Billy Joel – Sleeping With The Television On Lyrics 9 years ago
@[Chefdavis:988] I've been the fool many a-times me, it sucks too :(

Train – Drops of Jupiter Lyrics 9 years ago
To be honest, the lyrics are nothing more than the a variation of the Pina Colada song. Two people leave each other's comforts to explore the so-called dream or grass is greener fantasy. In the end...coming home was where the grass was the greenest.

Sheryl Crow – If It Makes You Happy Lyrics 9 years ago
Drug usage is nothing more than self-manufactured manic depression. Nuff said. That's what this song is saying.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.