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A Fine Frenzy – Silent War Lyrics 13 years ago
razed is right. it means torn down.

Sleeping At Last – Naive Lyrics 14 years ago
"Religion is a breeding ground
Where the Devil's work is deeply found,
With teeth as sharp as cathedral spires,
Slowly sinking in."

man. i think this is so true. like, the devil is most at work, i believe among the Church, because he wants them to stop worshiping God.

"God knows that I've been naive
But I think it makes him proud of me.
Now it's so hard to separate
My disappointments from his name."

i think he's talking about not being a part of the division, choosing to be ignorant of the things that cause division in the Church and for that, he thinks God would be proud of him, for not being a part of that. however, because of the people that claim to be obedient to God and yet so unattractive in their actions, it is hard to separate their actions and words from God Himself, but he knows it isn't God, but the people, that are unattractively acting.

"Because shadows stretch behind the truth,
Where stained glass offers broken clues
And fear ties knots and pulls them tight.
It leaves us paralyzed."

i think maybe the shadows behind the truth is the impact it's having on the people.
and the stained glass offers broken clues because it only shows some of the major parts of Jesus' life but it doesn't really explain much and so people are left to their own devices in trying to figure them out. the church thinks that they are explaining Jesus, but they're only giving a few ideas of Him, because of the fear that paralyzes, i think referring to the church being afraid to talk to them and tell them anything beyond Jesus dying and coming back to life, leaving out so much.

But in the end such tired words will rest.
The truth will reroute the narrow things they've said.
The marionette strings will lower and untie
And out of the ashes, love will be realized.

eventually false teachings and misinterpretations of God's Word and the judgement and pride that came from them in the eyes of the "church" will disappear at His coming and we'll no longer be able to speak lies, because He'll be very obviously speaking truth. the devil will no longer be able to work and so the strings he's holding around us that paralyze us will fall and we'll realize His love and the love He wants us to live out.

"God knows that we've been naive
And a bit nearsighted to say the least.
It's broken glass at children's feet
That gets swept aside unexpectedly."

we've been naive in thinking that God is made in our image and in trying to make Him in our own ideas of who we think He is and instead, the stained glass will break and He'll no longer just be a depiction, but a reality, which He is now, but a lot of people treat Him as just a thought or theory and not as a living, speaking, active God- which we'll only recognize when we come to Him with the "faith of a child".

Sleeping At Last – Porcelain Lyrics 14 years ago
wow. this song is incredible.

it's saying how we need to allow ourselves to be broken, because in that brokeness comes the glory of God and all the hurt is totally worth it when you realize it's what you needed in order to give all things up to God.

i think
"When I fell to me knees
To sew the damage shut,
I couldn't believe...
A bright, staggering light
Came flooding into me
From out of the seams.'
is about praying that the pain would go away, but in that prayer, he realized what God was doing through the pain and that it was necessary and even beautiful and worth it.

Sleeping At Last – Unmade Lyrics 14 years ago
i don't think he is saying that he is doubting the Bible itself, just the interpretations of it. people get really proud of some of their theologies, even when they're false. and by saying a verse means something that it doesn't, we're putting our own words in God's mouth, when His words should be in our mouths.
i think he is also saying that in trying to be right, we make those who don't agree with us stop believing altogether. a lot of people who aren't believers take the words of others as God's will and His thoughts when they are our words and that turns the unbelievers away from God and therefore lose more than we would have gained had we just told them the Gospel and allowed them to hear from God Himself and not tried to throw our interpretations at them.

God also says to have the faith of a child, and in "the aftermath
is...the broken bones of our childhood" i think is saying that we make everthing so complicated and so much of a trying-to-make-it-logical thing, we lose the relational aspect of God and make it all about the knowledge about Him.

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