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Frank Turner – Hold Your Tongue Lyrics 14 years ago
"I just know that her heart once soaked and cursed
Is that much harder to set on fire"

I think she's been hurt by someone else so badly before that she's incapable of loving him the way that he loves her. He says the things and means them, she says them but there's no real feeling behind it. Maybe she wants to mean them but her past experiences mean she just can't? I think this shows in the lines "How could I be the one? If you're wrapped round someone else?" - she's not necessarily wrapped around another person, more what they did to her. It's made her unable to feel the same way about him.

I think the first 2 verses show how, since her damaging experience, she's relied on her looks to get her by romantically. I think she's also a nice person- people are drawn to her and fall for her, yet when they try and find some mutual feeling they just can't. Like her heart's been left cold and, as Frank says, can't be set on fire.

It doesn't seem that he's simply angry with her, he feels sad for her. I interpret the last 4 lines of the song as meaning that he kinda wants to make sure she's human... that even beyond her damaging experiences she hasn't been completely destroyed and is capable of feeling remorse for the way he cheated on her. Even though he doesn't like her for what she's done, I think he can kinda see why she did it... she feels she same kind of hurt he does, except she feels it all the time and it's taken it's toll on her, leaving her desensitized to other peoples' pain.

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