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Skinny Puppy – Worlock Lyrics 5 years ago
@[Luciferi:31017] "Blue" is clearly Sandra Good.

Skinny Puppy – Tin Omen Lyrics 14 years ago
Every post so far has focused on the wrong year.
Kent State = 1970.
Tienanmen Square = 1989. (mind you Tienamen square also has significance in 1968, see below)

Yet the song keeps referencing 1968 - had you bothered to look up why it would jump out at you.

The Red Guard (populist student uprising movement) was used by Mao in 1966 and 1967 to further Mao's Cultural Revolution. When they became even more radical and threatened Mao's power base he unleashed the People's Liberation Army ("a people's army") on them in 1968.

This violent betrayal by Mao led to much bloodshed and riots which nearly tore the country apart. China came much closer to a full-on revolution at the end of the 60's than the USA ever did.

Kent State was a kitten's tea party by comparison. Americans spent the late 60's playing revolution from the safety of their parent's trust-funds while the Chinese actually did it.

THAT is what the song is about. Pointing out that American "revolutionaries" were too busy trying to get laid, get stoned, and listen to music in the 60's to do more than pay lip-service to what was really going on.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.