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Muse – Hysteria Lyrics 13 years ago
Could be about anything. I personally get the feeling it's about any person who has every wanted something with such a frightening passion that they'd do anything to get it. The latter half of the song changes the tone of the music from frantic to mournful. This portrays the idea that the person did the unthinkable to get what he/she wanted and when he finally got what he craved so badly it turned out to be not what he thought it was, which in turn destroyed his faith and drove him just a wee bit mad inside.

Chris Pureka – Unwelcome Lyrics 14 years ago
This is about holding on and waiting out the storm when life is a bitch. There will be days when everything is shit, but don't run and don't give up because those days that carry light make like worth living.

Kleerup – Until We Bleed Lyrics 14 years ago
Personally I feel like this song is about a woman who is in love with an alcoholic. If anyone has ever been in love with some that has an addiction, you know that it's a soul-crushing experience. Her lover is an alcoholic and no matter what terrible things he (or she; this is 2010) does under the influence, she can't leave him because she loves him too much. Their relationship has developed to the point that the woman is her lover's caretaker in a way. He comes home drunk/high and incoherent and she takes care of him. She stays with him not only because she loves him, but because she has some inadequacy issues of her own and his reliance on her makes her feel like she is needed. In all, they feed each others addiction and the relationship is destructive for both parties.

Kate Nash – Navy Taxi Lyrics 14 years ago
I feel like this song is about trying to do things to be a good person or trying to meet the expectations of everyone else. The singer tries to be punctual, she attempts to help people out, but something always goes wrong. Like the person before me said, she has great intentions, but sometimes shit happens. The singer is getting frustrated with her life because it seems like she can't do anything right, but then a guy tells her to take it easy and live her own life. She takes that advice to heart. Instead of always trying to do things the "right" way, or be the way everyone expects her to be, she starts to be who she wants to be. The repeated line at the end "This time, it will be different" is her way of saying that she's going to turn her life around. All the shit she complained about in the beginning will no longer bother her; she's gonna do what she can to accept the fact that everyone fucks up now and then. But this time around, everything will be better, because instead of living inside of societies box of expectations, she's finally gonna live life for herself.

Pink – Sober Lyrics 14 years ago
I think I finally understand the sex scene in the video. Initially, I was completely baffled, but I now believe that she included that to symbolize her better half forcing the bad side of herself into submission.

The coupling is angry, like a confrontation. In a sense, the "good" side of herself is confronting the "bad" side and forcing herself to look at what is happening. The sex ends with the good side clearly the victor and when she leaves the bad side curls into the submissive fetal position, metaphorically showing the defeat of the evil side of Pink.

Ok, maybe I'm reading too much into this, but hey! I'm an english major so I'm programmed this way! :)

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