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8Stops7 – Esteem Lyrics 15 years ago
I didn't realize this song was on here twice.... I thought I deleted my comment when I didn't find it on the other song....

Oh well, two times is better than none! :-)

8 Stops 7 – Esteem Lyrics 15 years ago
I believe that everyone has major issues. We are all broken inside. We are not alone. Life is weird and complicated, but it is beautiful.

There is a person out there who is an angel to me. Who understands me and who has tried to understand me deeply. I feel so lucky to know him in the way that I do and to have experienced something so sacred together.

To have this unique bond with this incredibly special person is a genuine treasure to me. I want him to know that my esteem issues and I are always here for him. He has a partner in me. I will always think of him as a best friend.

8Stops7 – Esteem Lyrics 15 years ago
I have learned in life that everyone has major issues. We are never alone w/our issues and our suffering. Each of us is broken on the inside. I have a person in my life who understands me better than most. We are in each others hearts and he is an angel to me. Life is extremely weird and complicated, but it is also incredibly beautiful. When I look at this experience I have had with this friend... I feel so lucky. He is so special to me.

Don't we all have people in our lives who serve different purposes? A spouse, parents, kids, old friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc.... They each bring something different to our life. They each know us and understand us in a unique way. And yes, some much better than others.

But.. something that I will always hold so dear is my incredibly special bond with this person. It is a genuine treasure. He is someone who has tried to know me deeply. I want him to know..... My esteem issues and I... We are here for him always. He has a partner in me. I'll always think of him as a best friend.

Coldplay – The Scientist Lyrics 15 years ago
Melissa Bittner.... HAHAHAHA! No.

Yes, my love it takes two people who care about each other to go through what we did. There is no denying that and I will explain why in regard to "THE SCIENTIST".

*I once loved a man. We had an undeniable chemistry. I thought he was attractive, charming and smart. I have been told by a good number of men that I am attractive, charming and smart. (I recently had a man tell me to look up the term MILF in the dictionary and I'd find my picture there.) I will admit that I have been ogled by men. Quite a bit. Well, this man I loved? Never have I been ogled the way I was ogled until he came along. His eyes practically popped out of his head when I was around.

These circles in this song? That's what our love was about. We can't be together in our lives. We both wanted it to be different. Sometimes I would be the initiator of a beginning and at other times, he would. The past few times? He was the instigator. So, we both took turns at "going at" the other to determine where our love was going. He most likely knew the outcome, but again, he did "come after" me several times.

I believe he truly cares for me (even though he has hurt me so much). And I will always love him. We are through with our circles, but I believe we both have learned much from the experience. We went round and round for a very long time and yes, it was TOGETHER.*

In terms of the video, I agree. It is like the love we have experienced. It has much more depth and meaning after seeing it played out.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.