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Placebo – Battle For The Sun Lyrics 15 years ago

As 'cameo' stated that thankfully they have the same sound, I also am relieved. If anything the drums are unbelievable. There is no significant departure soundwise but it definitely sounds bigger and better. The vocals at 4:56 are epic.

Like most Placebo songs the meaning is open to interpretation by the listener as Brian often has stated in interviews. I can't help but feel this song is closely related to 'Song To Say Goodbye' in sentiment. I look at the lyrics as Brian being very self analytical and critical. I think the battle is for his sanity and to achieve a positive outlook. 'Dream Brother' representing his inner battler, 'my killer' perhaps referring to the 'lows' of being depressed and creative stagnation, 'my lover' referring to feelings of positivity and his creative and achieving self. The struggle between the highs and lows of depression in general.

Placebo – Battle For The Sun Lyrics 15 years ago
I'm fairly convinced that it is 'no falling', 'no fallin' to be accurate. If there were a wager on this one I'd definitely bet on it.

'No fallin', no going backwards and falling back into the old ways, old negative feelings etc.

Makes sense :)

Placebo – Battle For The Sun Lyrics 15 years ago
I think it's 'no falling'.

Placebo – Battle For The Sun Lyrics 15 years ago
At first impression I was rather annoyed at the I, I, I, you, you, you repetition then it's purpose and the intensity of the music gelled and I realized it goes hand in hand. He's fed up with the dark days. 'Dream brother, my killer, my lover..' I feel is the metaphorical battle between depression and happiness.
This song is a powerful affirmation and the album is going to be very interesting.

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