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Tori Amos – Ribbons Undone Lyrics 15 years ago
I am a mom, to a beautiful little girl who is growing up. When I realized I was pregnant with my baby girl, I wrote the words to theis song down, and saved it in a place where she will find it when she is older.
The first two verses are like the mom who is playing with her little girl, watching her pretend to be a princess or a fairy, or whatever is her current fancy. She's watching her little girl play and living it through her eyes.
The third verse is a mom's amazement at how many things her child can be all at once, and how proud she is to be her mother because of all the things she can and will do.
Fourth verse is hard. Mothers and daughters fight as most strong women do. The lines "She corrects me and says" along with "The look in her eyes says, the Battle's beginning." are the tell-tale signs.
The final verse, is the toughest. After all the fighting and the discipline and the teaching and the laughter and the tears and the playing and the fighting, a mother has to let go, and let her daughter become the woman she is meant to be.

MGMT – Kids Lyrics 15 years ago
I am in agreement with someone who commented that their songs seem to be about more than one thing. Someone also mentioned that this is about Autism. I can see how. Autistic children live in a constant state of over stimulation and have to control what comes into their head (but often times can't). But when I first head the song and knew all the words, it struck me in a somewhat morbid and warning tone (despite it's upbeat melody). But that is what' so fitting about it. Here it is:
"Making momma so proud
But your voice was too loud" (parents love their kids, but they get annoyed sometimes)
"No time to think of consequences"
We start out as kids, who live recklessly, and innocently careless - With all the best intentions and our parents love us.
But in the chorus, it's a warning for children, and everyone, to not live excessively. How could a family tree want to be haunted?? Haunted to me, means death, or loss, or riddled with guilt. Live dangerously and you could lose everything. Could there be a family who lost a child due to carelessness on either side (child or parent)?
In the second verse, it sounds like a parent regretting the treatment they gave their child. Could it have resulted in loss, or perhaps they're wishing that the past could have been different because of the loss in the present?
Just a thought. =)

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