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U2 – Sunday Bloody Sunday Lyrics 13 years ago
This song perfectly encapsulates the frustration of Sunday... y'know you get up, hung over, there's no milk, the kids are going mental, the car needs washed, the in-laws come round - and you just throw a fist in the air and think '' SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY '' !

Animal Collective – In the Flowers Lyrics 15 years ago
I reckon solidturtle is bang on the money there; that is exactly how i interpret this. Heartbreaking stuff.

I can't actually stop listening to this album right now. I've always been a massive fan of theirs but this record is mind blowing. Its like a distillation of their back catalogue into a perfect ten on ten masterpiece. amazing vocal tit-for-tat going on between panda and tare aswell. and fuck me the lyrics! all nostalgia and domestic bliss . I never knew they could write such great love songs either (see bluish)

Easily the most exciting band on the planet.

Bonnie 'Prince' Billy – Raining In Darling Lyrics 15 years ago
that last couplet breaks my heart every fucking time. ''...and i know you love me. i know you do...''
unbelievable song.

Animal Collective – Also Frightened Lyrics 15 years ago
I agree- this song has got to be about the anxiety inherent in fatherhood - you know - worrying about their safety 24hrs a day. Wanting them to explore the world but stay out of trouble. wanting them to find their own way in the world and become interesting individuals in their own right but yet still have a bit of the old man in them; kids are wonderfully incipient little beings totally oblivious to the staggering range of fates (good and bad) that potentially await them. ITS FRIGHTENING!

Brilliant song!!

..sorry i was talking a good bit of bollocks there.

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