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Pendulum – The Island, Part I (Dawn) Lyrics 14 years ago
This is fucking brilliant.
Possibly about this person Rob is talking about not being able to reconcile with something. ('What are you waiting for?') This maybe death ('As we go towards the light') or the light of reason. At the same time this person is holding others back in the process ('I am caught, In your slow release'). But nothing lasts forever ('My reflection, Will slowly fade, To another time, Until my head escape')

Editors – Eat Raw Meat = Blood Drool Lyrics 14 years ago
It is "When I'm a gun in a fist fight" and "These boys, they just wanna have fun but your damage is done."

Muse – Exogenesis: Symphony Part 3 (Redemption) Lyrics 14 years ago
Has to be listened with the rest of Exogensis to be fully appreciated.

Muse – Exogenesis: Symphony Part 1 (Overture) Lyrics 14 years ago
Muse have definitely out done themselves once again.

Muse – Exogenesis: Symphony Part 2 (Cross-Pollination) Lyrics 14 years ago
I think the above comments have pretty much got it down.

Brilliant symphony is brilliant.

Kasabian – West Ryder Silver Bullet Lyrics 14 years ago
But what the hell is it about?

Muse – Resistance Lyrics 14 years ago
Second to Zanorat. Hit the nail on the head. Do is suspect that 80% of this album is based on Nineteen Eighty-Four?

Muse – Uprising Lyrics 14 years ago
It's not really a matter of if he is left wing or right wing. It's something totally different. An overhaul of the whole system.

Left wing, right wing - same bird.

Muse – Uprising Lyrics 14 years ago
Good and catchy. Supermassive Blackhole of The Resistance (I liked SMBH btw). I'd imagine it's fucking brilliant live.

Muse – I Belong to You/Mon Coeur S'Ouvre a Ta Voix Lyrics 14 years ago
I think it's a good track because it's not typical Muse. And it doesn't have those epic highs and lows. It think it gives Matt a chance to show off his vocal ability. Which is a direct reference to his french lyrics. Also it's a good transition between the first half of the album to Exogenesis which, goes without saying, is absolutely brilliant.

Muse – United States of Eurasia/Collateral Damage Lyrics 14 years ago
Oh I forgot to add. Through the above meaning, it can also be applied to their usual "THE WORLD IS CORRUPT" sort of theme.

Muse – United States of Eurasia/Collateral Damage Lyrics 14 years ago
The song refers to George Orwell's novel "1984". Eurasia was one of the three super states (the others being Oceania and Eastasia)in the book.

"You and me are the same
we don't know or care whose to blame
but we know that whoever holds the reins
nothing will change; our cause has gone insane"

The book mainly focuses on the journey of Winston Smith who belongs to the Outer Party of the super state, Oceania (which is at war with Eastasia and/or Eurasia). The Inner Party and Outer Party are the minority of the population (with the proletariat (proles) being the majority). Most, if not the whole, of the population are kept in the dark of the real happenings outside Oceania. They are fed news (which is subject to change at any time) and fed lies. They aren't informed, let alone interested in causes of the war against Eastasia and/or Eurasia.

"and these wars; they can't be won
and these wars; they can't be won
and do you want them to go on, and on, and on?
Why split these states when there can be only one?"

The wars between the superpowers are perpetual as a means of controlling the populations with fear and also a means of bringing the population together to work as a whole. The war is also used as an excuse to use up resources and products that the Outer Party/Proles make keeping them in poverty.

"And must we do as we're told?
And must we do as we're told?"

In the novel Winston Smith grows thoughts of discontent against the Party and questions their authority.

"You and me fall in line
to be punished for unproven crimes
and we know there is no one we can trust
our ancient heroes; they are turning to dust"

All members of the party are kept in order by fear. The novel also tells of a tightly regimented force called the Thought Police who identify and bring in anyone they suspect of thinking, acting and planning against the party. They are then taken to the Ministry of Love where they are tortured and interrogated until they confess what they have done - even if they've not done anything. Evidence is forged to support the case against them. With the presence of the Thought Police, Winston fears speaking aloud to anyone his thoughts against the party in fear they might be a member of the Thought Police or might report them to the Though Police.

As News is subject to change, so is history. "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." Their old and new heroes are turned to dust as history is burnt to dust in the incinerator and history is rewritten.

I hope this song encourges all of you to read the book, it's wonderful.

Modest Mouse – I Came as a Rat (Long Walk Off a Short Dock) Lyrics 15 years ago
Oh yeah

Modest Mouse – Perpetual Motion Machine Lyrics 15 years ago
Everybody wants to live forever.

Modest Mouse – History Sticks to Your Feet Lyrics 15 years ago
I think it's about how the history of everything can be found in everything else.
"And you realize that the floor sticks to your feet like history"
The dirt in your boot contains the history of everything. Isaac always revisits the theme that everything is a cycle and it's connected to everything else. (See Parting of the Sensory)

"Like it was stated that we're walking
Salt and coal"

Energy cannot be destroyed - it just takes on new forms. So our bodies were once other elements/plants/animals. e.g. Salt, coal

"Plants solidify sunshine
How this start, I don't know"

Plants are able to photosynthesize (using sunshine) and grow.

"Cars and feet and then tire change, shoe stores"

Hmm.. not sure. Perhaps rubber can be used for tires and shoes?

"The sun's diary pulled up from deep canary holes
And when we read it our skin it becomes warm"

Sun's diary = history of what it has been able to create
Maybe he's speaking of resources such as coal.
We burn it for it's energy, to keep us warm.

I see this as a more upbeat Parting of the Sensory

Modest Mouse – Satellite Skin Lyrics 15 years ago
I think HugeMMFan has hit the nail on the head. Big ups

Enter Shikari – Hectic Lyrics 15 years ago
Can everyone calm it

Enter Shikari – Gap In The Fence Lyrics 15 years ago
Definitely the hidden treasure of the album. New sound but still managing to reflect Take To The Skies style

Enter Shikari – Common Dreads Lyrics 15 years ago
Confirmed by the CD booklet
"Wars of illusive bravery"
"A heedless and harrowing future"

Kasabian – Fire Lyrics 15 years ago
Brilliant album. Brilliant song. Not too sure on the meaning. Perhaps when he is talking about being on fire, he means he is excited, ready, doing well and determined. Maybe he is ready to be anything you want.

Enter Shikari – Common Dreads Lyrics 15 years ago
isnt it "to wars of elusive bravery" ?

Enter Shikari – Common Dreads Lyrics 15 years ago
Gives me goosebumps everytime.

Modest Mouse – Little Motel Lyrics 15 years ago
At first glance it seems to be about love. Then you read on and it's about death. It says one thing but means another. You can read it either way.

Modest Mouse – I Came as a Rat (Long Walk Off a Short Dock) Lyrics 15 years ago
These are couplets. So each two lines only make sense together, but still keep to the theme. I haven’t got a clue so far what it’s about. I’ll try and break it down. Let me attempt this.

“Well, I ain't sure, but I been told
He's baking cakes inside our souls”

Warm souls. Pleasant people/person.

“Stayed awake, took a nap
Got myself my bottles back”

Tired. Then recharged, fresh.
Got his sanity back. Got his mind back together. His thoughts are collected.

“I'm breaking them out on the street
Walking around in my bare feet”

He’s going to back to his old state. He’s doing it on purpose.
Walking around as himself, and nothing more. In his bare feet, it just him and the earth he walks on.

“I do not need you to tell me that I am not a cat”
You don’t need to tell him that he’s something he’s not. You don’t need to tell him who he is.

“I caught a ride, we caught some air
He's never going to cut his hair”

“I” caught a ride, “we” caught some air. He caught a ride to meet with someone. To refresh.
He’s never going to cut his hair because he is comfortable with who he is and doesn’t need people to tell him what/who to be.

“It takes more time to make a fake
We night-swam down in the lake
Washed the dirt off our intentions
Prattle on about bad inventions”

It takes more effort to be someone you’re not.
Night, dark, no one can see you. There’s no need to be someone you’re not.
Cleaning your bad intentions to something good. You don’t mean to be someone you’re not.
Prattle about common topics that normal people talk about. Back to normal.

“I came as ice, I came as a whore
I came as advice that came too short
I came as gold, I came as crap
I came clean and I came as a rat”

Came cold, but came used.
He came as helpful, but it wasn’t enough. He wasn’t enough.
He came as something everyone loved, but he was something everyone hated.
He came out with the truth to reveal he was a dirty sneaky person. A rat.

“It takes a long time, but God dies too
But not before he'll stick it to you
Well, I don't know, but I been told
You never die and you never grow old”

It takes a long time but eventually even the great and almighty meets their ends. But until then he will always be known as great and almighty — always better than you.
The last two lines could mean a number of things. Perhaps he’s talking about god. How he’ll never die and he’ll never grow old. But it’s a rumour, for he has no real evidence nor does anyone else. The “you” implies he is talking to you. He’s talking to the audience. Throughout the song he talks about himself. These are the lessons he has learnt. And it’s a lesson to you.

I haven't a clue what to make of that. Maybe it might clear a few things up.

Elbow – The Fix Lyrics 15 years ago
Well done moonflash

Morning Runner – Burning Benches Lyrics 15 years ago
They've GOT to reform

Morning Runner – Work Lyrics 15 years ago
Shame they split

Kasabian – By My Side Lyrics 15 years ago
I think 1P4B7 basically sussed this out.

"Step out of the shadows,send the children to their saints
You create these zombies, just to keep them from their fate"

Could mean the media and corporate big boys alike create this fear in people and it's holding them back from being who they could be.

"No communication as the master's cheat and steal"

Is the lack of communication between corporate and between the media, but they know the number one priority is - profit. And they'll do anything to get it.

"Stars ans constellations now I notice who you are"

Is him discovering what is really going on.

"No retaliation said the poet to his kin
Separate the idols and commit your deadly sin"

Could mean that people cant do anything about what's going on because they have no idea it's happening. And that the role models you see doing good and being ethical is put aside while they do something they know is wrong.

"Love is put aside while you finish what you start
I collect the numbers, You protect my heart"

Could again mean feelings are put aside to get the job done. Numbers = money? Heart = desires? "Money buys happiness"

Well that's my take on it. Songs mean different things to different people I guess.

Elbow – One Day Like This Lyrics 15 years ago
Absolutely brilliantly uplifting.

The View – Five Rebbecca's Lyrics 15 years ago
Live anthem

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