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Katy Perry – Ur So Gay Lyrics 16 years ago
ok just to tell u, "fallasleepinhisarms" i love ur screen name!!

Katy Perry – Ur So Gay Lyrics 16 years ago
yeee son is right! omg people lighten up!!
its a song! quit complaining! atleast shes turning her complaints into funny songs that people can listen to and enjoy unlike ur stupid criticism!? omg. if ur feelings are soo important go write a song about them!! and get over the term gay!! gay means happy! so hes so happy! she never said it meant homosexual and ur is just faster. so get over it. can u honestly say that uve never called someone gay or retarded. if so than i applaud your strength against new stupid words. and i love this song...... thats it for now.... thank you for listening and ill be here all week!!

Ludo – Love Me Dead Lyrics 16 years ago
personally. i think its a booty call kinda thing.
she just uses him and "loves him dead". he hates her for having control over him but is totally in love with her! "hows your new boy does he know about me?"-->she has a serious boyfriend that she wants to be serious with but hes still her booty call..... thats just me. maybe im totally off! idk youd have to ask ludo!!

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