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Cartel – Wasted Lyrics 16 years ago
I think I understand this song, but who really knows. It's just really touching.
The first stanza, i think, refers to a baby being born at 2:45 but due to complications, he dies shortly after which is when his father gets a call in the middle of the night and the baby's breaths get short and his chest gets tight.

Second verse refers to a 16 year old who gets in a car accident because he was driving too fast and swerves to the left and dies.

Third verse is about a man who believed himself to be invincible the whole "it'll never happen to me" mindset. Then he found out he had visceral cancer, they caught it way too late and he was "sick in the morning and he died in the night."

The chorus refers to the fact that all of these people have wasted lives. They died young, maybe before they could do something great in their lives. So, maybe we're all wasted.

The next three stanzas are connected. They refer to a boy whose parents never payed attention to him. His father never showed up to his baseball games and the boy doesn't understand why. Then at age 18 he can't wait to move out of the house because his parents never cared about his dreams. However, the parents don't understand that so they wonder why he never calls once he moves out. The boy grows up to be 32 but he never wanted his kids or wife and he'd never actually been truly happy in his life. Which is why his life was "wasted." Because he was never happy with himself or anything he did.

The last couple stanzas are about Will, the lead singer of Cartel. He's 23 now and his life is so busy with all the tours and concerts and all those things that everything gets in the way. He graduated from The Heritage School in Noonan, GA and he was "18, couldn't wait to move out." And now, 5 years later he's beginning to doubt if all of his dreams were actually attainable. He wonders about if when he is 32 if he'll be miserable.

that was the longest thing ever, i'm really sorry. but hope i could help a little bit.

i love cartel! one of my fave bands :)

Hanson – Georgia Lyrics 16 years ago
Taylor's wife, Natalie, is from Georgia and that is his nickname for her and Isaac and his wife got married in Georgia. So the band has said that Taylor wrote this song for his wife during her parent's divorce. "I won't say you have to choose." He's just saying he will be there for her always and that he loves her.

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