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Mastodon – Hand of Stone Lyrics 17 years ago
A-level 'illiterature' more like it, with all the capitalization and splices.
Nah, I tease. Good explanation. The Mountain's extremities are beginning to preotrude, Our hero is experimenting with certian hallucinogens....provoking a challenge he may not surmount??

Mastodon – Siberian Divide Lyrics 17 years ago
The 3 faced beast is the mountain. Think Shadow Of The Colossus.
Blood mountain, the whole trek, has been the exterior of this cyclopean, mega-omni-monstrosity which erupts causing such a tectonic surge that in our Hero's moment of ego, i.e. ginger bread man, "Fast as Fast can be, only an avalanche can catch me!"
Sure enuff. Such ensued and I would liken to adapt Supergump88's explanation straight from the horse as follow up!

Mastodon – Colony of Birchmen Lyrics 17 years ago
The birchmen are quite efficient predators in the path of our protag.
Wolfbane full gallop, swooping branches with katana like fury, focus burning.....Backup vox just a subtle nuance.
This is the climax.
Making it past the birchman DEVESTATOR (transformers, you dork) gives our hero enuff momentum to run with any fiend.
Behemoth, Moby Deez, Wyverns, wolves, whatevvv, lion, tigers, ogers and bears...
As the the birchmen combine - Wolfbane remains unphased by the size amassed.
The getaway fueled by ambition.
Can he handle hisself???

Mastodon – Bladecatcher Lyrics 17 years ago
Bitchin' vibes mi bredren.
I massy agree. Concur to tha slurr.
This is the song describing the "Hero's" situation of just recieveing new perspective from the Cysquatch encounter.
Leaping from the labrynth with energy to confront his next obstacle a little Ninja Shennanigenns becomes happenstance.
ShennaNinjagenns, if you will.
So now imagine a badass, survivalist-gong-fu-genius pincered by a Koga-Nin sect of assassins -ducking darts, tackstars, and arrows, catching deathcuts between his index and mid fing gigglin' in a field of high brush with a slight incline headed towards an 'inviting' forest...

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