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Zee Avi – Kantoi Lyrics 15 years ago
You missed out the tiny Kantoi at the end. D=

Mother Mother – Body Lyrics 15 years ago
I personally think it's just think it's about feeling so tired and fed up with everything to the point that you want people to just take all of what you are because you just don't care anymore.

Well that's pretty much what I feel whenever I listen to it anyway. Haha

Mother Mother – O My Heart Lyrics 15 years ago
"Oh my heart, it's a black and a red road"

Shouldn't it be "It's the black in a rainbow"?

The Rakes – The World Was A Mess But His Hair Was Perfect Lyrics 16 years ago
The lyrics for the 5 min version is anyone's interested. Though they might be a little off.

All dressed up with somewhere to go
Got ten new messages on your phone
Keep trying to stop the night from falling to pieces
The night goes on and on and on on on
Where are we going and where's Steve gone?
This whole night is just falling to pieces

And you go on and on on on
Talking shite through the night
Just trying to stop our arguments falling to pieces
You slag off America in the pub
Saying the war was shite
Then in the club
Drink some Buds and smoke some Marlboro Lights...

The world was a mess but his hair was perfect
The world was a mess but his hair was perfect

Repulsive seaters on TV,
I'd love to get one but I'm too busy,
It's time to go cause my hair is done,
But oh, where's my mobile gone,

His closed mouth is moving round alright,
Her eyes were fingers ours slipped in,
She tooks some glass and it's falling to pieces,
The guy behind, His eyes meet mine,
Please I don't wanna fight,
Just don't touch my face, Or hair
Cause that would ruin my night,

The world was a mess but his hair was perfect
The world was a mess but his hair was perfect
The world was a mess but his hair was perfect
The world was a mess but his hair was perfect

There you go. though I do believe it's a bit off.

The Vines – Fuck The World Lyrics 16 years ago
And I used to think that FTW was 'For The Win'.

Gossip – Standing In The Way Of Control Lyrics 16 years ago

Skins is a UK teen drama series. Which is fucking awesome. =)

Imogen Heap – Goodnight and Go Lyrics 16 years ago
I say it's about that feeling when you're just about to fall in love. Not exactly in love but getting there.

American Hi-Fi – Nothing Left To Lose Lyrics 17 years ago
"And I kick it like Jackie Chan
With my kung fu style"

That my fave part. *sigh*I love this song so bad.. :)

Damone – Overchay With Me Lyrics 17 years ago
What I want to know is what does overchay mean.

Motion City Soundtrack – Hold Me Down Lyrics 17 years ago
Isn't it "Try to stay clean" instead of "drive safely"?

The Mooney Suzuki – Shake That Bush Again Lyrics 17 years ago
I dunno.. Kindda gives the feel of A guy on the run.

I have no idea how to elaborate on that. And If I do.. It'll probably turn into a VERY LOONG story that doesn't make much sense.

Burning Brides – Heart Full Of Black Lyrics 17 years ago
This Song Is Awesome. I have no idea what it means. But I LOVE it.

Self Against City – Tequila Moonlight Lyrics 17 years ago
I think it's about 2 people doing it at a dinner party.

And I'm pretty sure it's "I'm buttoning my shirt"
Not "Unbuttoning my shirt"

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