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Drowning Pool – Soldiers Lyrics 17 years ago
nobody has commented??? Wow. So sad...

Smile Empty Soul – Adjustments Lyrics 17 years ago
What??? No more comments????! This song is so f-in awesome! Most especially the band. I think it's about a bf\gf who's trying to change their partner to their liking. And that other person is taking a stand and saying 'fuck off. can't u hear what I'm trying to say?!'...yeahh

Crossfade – Already Gone Lyrics 17 years ago
Hm...awesome. I lubb it. Relates to me a lot. Reminds me of the guy that I used to love. He...told me that he loved me too. But...he never made anything happen. Was always ignoring me and never completing his promises. Then I realized that he was playing me along. Thinking that I was gonna be there. And me...being the fool...I didn't want to let go. So...I kept giving him chances. And he kept letting them go to waste. Until one day...I couldn't take anymore. And I let go. Since he realized that I was gone...he started panicking. I was already gone. This song...gave me so much inspiration to actually let go. It gave me the strength. That's how much this song means to me. So...the song pretty much explains it all...the guy gets tired...and so...they finally realize that they're already gone. So much to make me feel better =]

In This Moment – Prayers Lyrics 17 years ago
I am the very first person to comment on this song??? OMG! Well...this song is quite obviously about god, right???

Determination, is pushing me
Perseverance, is what I bleed
I wanted to believe in all of this
I wanted to believe in you

This part is just saying how much she wants to believe in god but she just doesn't believe in him.

Can someone hear me, calling
God please hear me, calling

This also explains that she's feeling all alone, she feels like nobody can hear her. She wants...she needs, to hear god's voice. She's calling out that she wants to believe in him. Well...that's what I think??

Ludacris – Runaway Love Lyrics 17 years ago
Absolutely beautiful. Awesome lyrics, this is definitely one of my faves next to From yesterday. I actually didn't know about this song until my cousin played it on her iPod, I loved it from the start. I am absolutely 100% that this song will become popular. I mean c'mon it's Luda. The song is kinda self-explatory so I don't really need to guess what it's about. Once again great job Ludacris and Mary J. Blidge.

Lustra – Scotty Doesn't Know Lyrics 17 years ago
whoo-hoo EUROTRIP baby, awesome song, had me cracking up for an hour.

Adam and Andrew – Dear Diary Lyrics 17 years ago got the title wonder I could never find it. The title is "Emo Kid" not "dear diary"

Weird Al Yankovic – White & Nerdy Lyrics 17 years ago
whoop whoop!!!! Hilarious. Best song I've heard by him so far. The meaning is just obvious. Parody to "ridin dirty"....doy? lol

Nelly Furtado – Maneater Lyrics 17 years ago
kinda describes me before I met my fiance...bad bad bad. I love the beat.

My Chemical Romance – Welcome To The Black Parade Lyrics 17 years ago
you know what else blows?...AbsolutionAgent_gMs...that's what blows. Pinche pendeja, hija de tu puta madre. Fuck you bitch! If you don't like rock then keep out of this. Stop wasting your time on commenting on music that you don't like...that is all. Thank you. *mock bows*

Jibbs – Chain Hang Low Lyrics 17 years ago
...this song is absolutely terrible....I cannot stand it, I have a little brother that is eight years old and he loves to sing this song. Now these rap songs are targeting little kids like him to start up sumthing that can get them into trouble. Rap music has absolutely no talent at all. I'm hispanic and I absolutely abhore rap. Rap talks mostly about nothing else but sex, gangs, whores, and the videos are the worst. They actually make women stand in these shorts(...who the hell am I kidding, they're supposed to be shorts)who cover no more than your underwear, and these bras, booty shaking. Need I say more? And ppl say that rock is the worst. Sure rock can be the same, but that's only SOMETIMES...but really rock is what is keeping this up. Unlike rap, rock talks more about feelings, and not whores who are booty shaking. My older brother and some of my friends are now in jail coz of rap music. They followed their examples and look where that got them. MTV supports this shit too. I hate MTV, and not becoz they play this, but because to me when they put up rock music it sounds to me that they are mocking it. Sorry but to me that is how it is. This is why I'm sticking to rock music right now.

My Chemical Romance – Welcome To The Black Parade Lyrics 17 years ago
damn...can ya'll please stop saying shit like this "It's pop" "It's Emo" "It's rock" who the fuck cares? It's a song and to ppl that like this song they don't care what the fuck it is, as long as it's good. Got it? Oh and AbsolutionAgent_gMs , I've seen your other comment on "Cancer" please go fuck yourself bitch! You're just hating on MCR so stop banging on them and most of their songs. I agree that Nirvana and all of those bands are awesome, but go post on one of their songs instead of bashing songs that you hate. Got it?

My Chemical Romance – Demolition Lovers Lyrics 17 years ago
and yes patient666, I also think this song is ONE of the most romantic songs ever(in a weird twisted way). I dedicate this to my fiance, who I love so much.

My Chemical Romance – Demolition Lovers Lyrics 17 years ago
I love this song, it is sang with such emotion. And like most of you have said I think that it is about loving somebody so much that you'd die for them(including that other person dying too). I love the middle. The drums and the guitar pieces are absolutely awesome. I love it. MCR for life!

My Chemical Romance – Vampires Will Never Hurt You Lyrics 17 years ago
I love this song...I replay it over and over again. But I do not understand what the whispering at the end is. It's confusing.

My Chemical Romance – I Don't Love You (Like I Did Yesterday) Lyrics 17 years ago
meh...somebody care to tell me where I can find this song please? I like the lyrics and I want to see if the song is just as good.

My Chemical Romance – Welcome To The Black Parade Lyrics 17 years ago
this just got on mtv...damn bitches....they will eventually overplay it and since it is my fave song now, I'll eventually grow tired of it by the many times that they fuckin play it...mtv suxs dick.

AFI – Miss Murder Lyrics 17 years ago
lmao, seriously? Where can I find that?

Hellogoodbye – Here (In Your Arms) Lyrics 17 years ago
excuse me...but it may not be a powerful significant song to you...but to some people it is nice to relate to. Just coz it doesn't speak of murder, suicide, hate, or fighting it don't mean that it isn't powerful. Try being in love and then listin to this song oneofmylies. I am sure that you'll look at your relationship(if it goes well) and be able to relate it to the song. And we do not label everything as "OMG amazing!" coz mtv says it is. MTV suxs...let's face it. We're not dunderheads as to believe what mtv tells us what's cool and what's not. We have our own opinion and if I say that this song is awesome it's not coz of mtv. MTV can go fuck itself for all I care...

Hurt – Rapture Lyrics 17 years ago
absolutely beautiful. I agree with the kiling the baby meaning. It does have many lines in where it seems like that. Like...

So she walked in the baby’s room
Knowing what she would do left me in absolute horror
She put her hand on its lips and gave it one last kiss
And sang some tune that went…

But of course I'm not going to take up much space like some ppl did...*cough*K In Yo Mouf*cough*...literly stop replying back to the messages and just keep on going on with your life without saying the same thing over and over again. If you're going to say something then say something different.

Hurt – Falls Apart Lyrics 17 years ago
I agree with word...AWESOME!

OK Go – Here It Goes Again Lyrics 17 years ago
pashshaw, awesome. It is so...what's the word?'s not even funny. I wish I could do that with my threadmill...I tried it but I fell down straight on my fiance was laughing, until I threw a shoe at him =p. But I think that it's about a relationship that goes on and off again. Oh here it goes again, lmao. Kinda reminds me of when you know you did something wrong and you know that you've done it a million of times, but here it goes again. Get it? Oh great now I'm rambling...I'll wait....NOW

30 Seconds to Mars – The Kill Lyrics 17 years ago
the song and the video were absolutely fucking wicked! I love it, and it has such a very deep meaning in it. I think that it's about somebody wanted to change for the person they love since they think it's the best but then they realize that no matter how much you try you just can't change who you really are. Hence this part of the song:

I tried to be someone else
But nothing seemed to change
I know now this is who I really am inside
Falling from myself
Running for a chance
I know now this is who I really am

It's very confusing and you have to listen to it very carefully. Yet it will always be an awesome song, coz I can really relate.

Hellogoodbye – Here (In Your Arms) Lyrics 17 years ago
wahhh....I love this song so much that it makes me cry. It reminds me of me and my fiance. It is so cute and so romantic, the melody is absolutely perfect and the lyrics are some of the best I've heard. Absolutely perfect.

there's no place i could be but here in your arms

But I realize that most ppl haven't written down a meaning so Imma do that right now. I think that it's about two people in love and how happy they are together. Not right? Oh least I tried....^^

Three Days Grace – One-X Lyrics 17 years ago
I agree with Aussiestevo, it's mostly about being depressed and being singled out, feeling that you aren't noticed. Awesome song, one that I can really relate to. One X is seriously one of the best CDs I've bought, I wasted my money but it was so worth it! 3DG forever!

Three Days Grace – Time Of Dying Lyrics 17 years ago
I agree with di...ted

Three Days Grace – Over and Over Lyrics 17 years ago
I'm with pedro.b on this one^^

Three Days Grace – Let It Die Lyrics 17 years ago
This is kinda how my relationship with my bf went. I was so in love with him, but then he controlled everything that I did and he cheated on me. I told him that I didn't let our relationship die...he tells me that I didn't really try. I lost my temper and ran out of the last words being"I don't care about anything anymore...I don't care about you anymore"...that's why I love this song, cuz I can really relate to it. I now have a great guy, and we're going to get married^^

Three Days Grace – Get Out Alive Lyrics 17 years ago
Oh and "pain" isn't about his gf either. Would he really be telling his gf "Pain...can't get enough"

This life is filled with hurt
When happiness doesn't work
Trust me and take my hand
When the lights go out you will understand

And the gf excuse doesn't really go with that song. "Pain" is about being numb to everything around you. He prefers feeling pain then feeling nothing at all. The lead singer said that in an interview.

Three Days Grace – Get Out Alive Lyrics 17 years ago
in reply to vileacronymn...the whole album is not about his gf. "Never too late" is about his friend who came up to him and told him that he wanted to end his life. But I definetly agree with 3dgfanatic. It doesn't technically have to be about drugs tho, it could be about murder or something or the other. But there's many different ways to look at is so w/e

Three Days Grace – Riot Lyrics 17 years ago
No explanations needed. It's basically about being pissed off...awesome song. One of my favorite songs on the Album. TDG I love you! Now I got to go...I'm gonna start a riot, hell yea!

AFI – Miss Murder Lyrics 17 years ago
oops correction...damn typo...Sing:song

AFI – Miss Murder Lyrics 17 years ago
the only reason that many people know about this sing is cuz of MTV...most people have never heard of the band AFI until then...

Christina Aguilera – Ain't No Other Man Lyrics 18 years ago
I love this song! I made my boyfriend sit down and listen to it...cuz he thought that I was cheating on him...he never doubted my love for him after that ^^ I love Xtina, such a talented singer! This song is self-explanatory, there ain't no other man for me but Travis!

Trapt – Headstrong Lyrics 18 years ago
you know what TwistedElegance? You wouldn't exactly know if trapt had sex with Lance Bass on a daily basis unless you were there with them taking it up the ass with them! Why don't you take your "he's taking it up the ass" dumbass comment and go post it somewhere with a real band that does indeed take it up the ass. In my honest opinion I think this song is great, but of course that's only my opinion

Armor for Sleep – The Truth About Heaven Lyrics 18 years ago it just me or did it get cold in here? So true, this song gives me the shivers and makes my heart flutter...I know that is so f-ing confusing cuz even I don't understand =p But I LOVE this song. don't know how to explain it exactly. At times it makes me want to beat the shit out of things....but basically the song is about the fact that he died, and he is now watching over the girl he loves, knowing that he will never get to be able to get close to her or hear her say his name until they unite, thus he is miserable that he can no longer be with her. As they say...the weather isn't always perfect the day that you die knowing that you had to leave some very important things behind. That's my opinion, so do not take my meaning seriously if it is wrong ^^

My Chemical Romance – Cancer Lyrics 18 years ago
well AbsolutionAgent_gMs that is your own opinion, but most bands recycle melodies too, so please do not single MCR out, and MCR has not lost it, in fact they are as good as before, and furthermore "Ghost of you" in my opinion was a very good song with a very deep meaning in it.

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