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Röyksopp – What Else Is There? Lyrics 15 years ago
i love this song so much. i cannot believe there are no comments on it???

Manchester Orchestra – I Can Feel a Hot One Lyrics 15 years ago
actually, manna has nothing at all to do with Jesus. manna, in the bible, was mentioned in the Book of Exodus and the Book of Numbers... Jesus was not said to have been around for quite a while after these Books supposedly too place. It was, therefore, Moses who was dealing with the manna.

Doesn't have much to do with interpreting the song, as I don't think he literally means manna, but that it is just a metaphor for something else..

Manchester Orchestra – When We Were Trees Lyrics 15 years ago
Oh, and it's

"Yahweh, Yahweh, Hallelujah"

Yahweh is another word for the Christian god.

Manchester Orchestra – When We Were Trees Lyrics 15 years ago
this song gives me chills.

it's really sad. =/

Manchester Orchestra – Girl With Broken Wings Lyrics 15 years ago
this song is so sad.

every time i hear it, it gets to me.
the last verse. =[[[

Shiny Toy Guns – When Did This Storm Begin? (feat. Binary Finary) Lyrics 15 years ago
this is definitely the story of an abusive/horrible childhood.
"Here's a story of the way I wasn't mean to be raised."

obviously, she was physically abused. black and blue is usually a reference to bruises.
"Bright yellow sun that fades away to black and blue every place."

most likely she is speaking of an alcoholic father. that's where the bottle comes into play..
"There's a bottle in the shape of your love for me."

you hear glass breaking just before this line..
in my mind it's symbolizing a broken bottle and more abuse.
"Cold shatters the sky."

then, she speaks of how she feels neither dead nor alive. which many who are or have been abused (either physically or mentally, really) can relate to.
"This is the first day of the rest of our lives, because no one truly lives or dies ..."

then she speaks of how he can somehow find the money to buy more alcohol, yet he can barely pay the bills to keep his family alive.
"Every night you drink the money left to pay all the bills"

again, he would rather spend the little money he has on pills than on food for his family.
"No food for us but there's another fucking bottle of pills"

the trophy on her face is probably a black eyes. hence her saying that "its just an eye anyway."
"Here's your trophy on my face its just an eye anyway .."

finally she has had enough. she is probably older by the time she is saying this, however, she will never forget the damage he inflicted upon her and will not stand to be abused any longer.
"This will go no further. I swear it dies today. Your nights will stay forever. If you dare once more touch me.."

it's a very sad song.
however it is also extremely powerful and i honestly think it is beautiful.

Fall Out Boy – Star 67 (Intro) Lyrics 17 years ago
or, even better, they ARE absolutely beautiful.


Fall Out Boy – Star 67 (Intro) Lyrics 17 years ago
i've listened to this song more times than what is doctor recommended..

in other news, although it's short, these lyrics, and the music that goes with them, is absolutely beautiful.

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