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Alanis Morissette – Hand In My Pocket Lyrics 17 years ago
I love this song!! I used to listen to it as a little kid, and I think it's better than a lot of the drivel that passes for music on mainstream radio today... But I also think it's not a negative song. She accepts that things in life are tough, but that things really ARE going to be okay, and the "one hand in my pocket" lines are kind of like taking a step away from living in your head and focusing on the present, and just living life, doing simple things, because THAT'S what it all comes down to.

Cillian Murphy – So New Lyrics 17 years ago
wow, thanks for posting this song!! i love disco pigs, and it took me forever to find this song.

i don't know what the song means, but i'd guess it's just about 2 people who care about each other so much, but it just doesn't work anymore. finally they have to part, thus the "things look beautiful when they're away from you."

also, this meaning goes along with the plot of disco pigs... pig and runt are best friends, but their relationship is so destructive that runt must break away from pig in order to have a life of her own and live in the world like an ordinary person.

anyways, i'd recommend disco pigs to any fans of cillian murphy. it's a good film, but definitely not for everyone... it actually can be kind of horrible, but it's like watching a train wreck, you might hate it, but you can't turn your eyes away. riveting.

Rachael Yamagata – I Wish You Love Lyrics 17 years ago
why has no one commented on the AWESOME song?!?? i love how the piano and strings blend... and her voice is so achy, haha...

well, i think the meaning of this song is obvious, but since it's a song meaning site, i'll just say it's about someone who loves someone they can't be with, and so they wish the other person all good things, but most of all, love. on a final note, i like how it shows the seasons changing, showing how the person will continue to wish the best for the other throughout the years.

Rascal Flatts – Ellsworth Lyrics 17 years ago
this song is so touching... i agree that it's more heartwrenching than skin. i can't help but be moved every time I hear it, i almost get misty. so sweet, the song really does "put you in that town." i have a grandma that i love very much, she had a stroke and hasn't really been the same.... this song reminds me of her.

David Gray – Flame Turns Blue Lyrics 17 years ago
i always wondered what he meant by the lyrics "flame turns blue." recently, i listened to the song and got an idea. if you think about flames, a blue flame is the coolest (as opposed to red, the hottest)... using flame as a symbol of love, then the blue flame symbolizes a weakening love. this makes sense since the two people in the song have gone in different directions. so yeah, that's my interpretation. and i love the "i'm in collision with every stone i ever threw" line too...

Sia – Breathe Me Lyrics 17 years ago
Don't know why, maybe because I tend to go overboard emotionally myself, but I really like singers with raw voices like this... Great song... I've had it on loop all day.

As for the meaning, sia initally burst out onto the music scene with high acclaim, and then... nothing. She kind of fell apart, and this music reflects the pain she was going though. It seems like people all have their own ideas of what "breathe me" is... As for me, I think it really IS like breathing someone-- gathering someone together and taking in all of that person, pulling them in, as you would collect and pull in air when taking a breath. She needs to be safe, she needs to be pulled in, breathed in, consumed, taken inside, and warmed up. You can make an analogy, it's like breathing in cold air and letting it warm inside your lungs, becoming part of you. Sounds kinda trippy, but that's the image i get.

Hey, if you like quiet songs with piano and unprocessed female vocals, check out "I found a reason" by cat power. Not as catchy or painful as this song, but it has its own appeal.

Sarah Bettens – I'm Okay Lyrics 17 years ago
i can't believe i'm the first person to comment on this song, it's so beautiful. anyways, i tend to think in images when i hear songs, and the image i got in this one was the singer going off to a "big city" (la, nyc) to try to make it big... and she's left someone she loves behind. even though she's done well, "when the lights go down," even though she's celebrating in a crowd and should be happy, she still missing that person, and would "rather be coming back home." So, she's telling that person that's she's okay but misses them and what matters most to her is that they still love her, and are waiting for her...

Also, I think there's a mistake... it should be, "my own little natural high"

Anyways, really nice song.

Kubb – Sun Lyrics 18 years ago
yup. also heard this song on sugar rush, it's awesome!!

hmm... since this site is called songmeanings, i'll just say that I think this song is about trying really hard to have a relationship with someone who everyone wants, but for some reason, that person is untouchable. Realizing this, you finally have to let it go and move on for your own sake, even though it's hard. The most telling lyrics I think, are,

"I see you through glass
the price they have to pay
for one sweet taste of you
for me it's not the same
its time to let you go
I watch you drain away
it's easier on my soul
I'm better off this way"

By the way, another great song from that series is "Today has been ok" by Emiliana Torrini, check it out!

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