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Duran Duran – Rio Lyrics 5 years ago
I remember hearing the band talking about this song and saying that the first verse was inspired by a waitress who was very good looking and knew it. The cherry ice cream smile is a reference to a shade of lipstick that was on sale at the time but obviously brings its own meaning to the whole atmosphere of the song. I love it. When I hear it now it always brings to mind an image of a young beautiful waitress who knows she is meant for better things - a bit like that Carver short story... my life is going to change, I can feel it.

Stereophonics – Handbags And Gladrags Lyrics 13 years ago
This song is a bit of a guilt trip, but it's not just about today. It's historical, that's why it says "that your poor old grandad had to sweat to buy you". It's about all the things that our ancestors have done so that we can live in the luxury we've become accustomed to. So when the line comes up "They told me you missed school today", that's a privilege that our grandads/great-grandads didn't have and fought for, yet we treat it as though it's a nuisance. Without it and the gladrags and handbags, we wouldn't have the choices we have and such an easy life.

That's what ran through my mind anyway.

The Enemy – Away From Here Lyrics 15 years ago
I feel like I'm getting on a bit, but when I heard this tune it reminded me of when I was younger and stuck in a dead-end job I hated at a time when you were considered lucky to have a job. By the time I got out of it 6 years had passed, but my partner always said I became a much happier person once I did. Back then I always had dreams of what I really wanted to do, but thought I wasn't good enough, now I wish I had tried earlier as I've been relatively successful with my writing.

Now, it's a case of pushing on to the next level that I find hard. Songs like this - and the rest of the album - remind me of my remind me of my ambitions then and that I can't let myself down by sitting back and saying it's ok because I'm content with what I have because other people still feel the same way. I sort of owe it to them too.

The Enemy – Away From Here Lyrics 15 years ago
I feel like I'm getting on a bit, but when I heard this tune it reminded me of when I was younger and stuck in a dead-end job I hated at a time when you were considered lucky to have a job. By the time I got out of it 6 years had passed, but my partner always said I became a much happier person once I did. Back then I always had dreams of what I really wanted to do, but thought I wasn't good enough, now I wish I had tried earlier as I've been relatively successful with my writing.

Now, it's a case of pushing on to the next level that I find hard. Songs like this remind me of my ambitions then and that I can't let myself down by sitting back and saying it's ok because I'm content with what I have because other people still feel the same way. I sort of owe it to them too.

The Enemy – Happy Birthday Jane Lyrics 15 years ago
The lyrics may look pretty simple when they're written out, but when I listen to this song it sounds so sad, it makes me wonder if 'Jane' is stuck in some sort of depressive situation. When I first listened to the song I thought perhaps she had other people relying on her and that was why she couldn't get out, maybe she cared for disabled relatives or something like that.

Oasis – Cast No Shadow Lyrics 17 years ago
I'm glad that this song isn't about what I thought it was about. The lyrics always seemed to me to be about someone's suicide - him casting no shadow because he was lying down dead. I feel a little bit better knowing it was about songwriting.

Duran Duran – Ordinary World Lyrics 17 years ago
I also heard it first as a cover version given a trendy update by Aurora and Naime Coleman. I liked that, but when I found this version and played it, I liked it even more and find it so much more touching. One of the differences in the new version is that they've left the last verse out, which I think is strange considering that the 'holy war' is more prominent in the news today than it was then.

Coldplay – Fix You Lyrics 18 years ago
interesting you say that raebites. A friend of mine feels a connection to this song because she has been hit with arthritis while still young and wishes she had someone who could fix her. The words 'ignite your bones' have a special meaning for her.

Blink-182 – I Miss You Lyrics 18 years ago
I don't know about the rest of the song, but the lines:

and as I stared I counted
webs from all the spiders
catching things and eating their insides
like indecision to call you
and hear your voice of treason

perfectly captures the twisted gut feeling of wanting to call someone you love who's just jilted you, yet knowing they'll say things you don't want to hear.

Ahhh, teenage angst.

Blink-182 – Down Lyrics 18 years ago
I love this song! It reminds me of all those intense emotions everyone has when they're teenagers. OK, so I'm a lot older now. I get the feeling that he feels more intense about this love than she does.

Coldplay – Warning Sign Lyrics 18 years ago
I think this song is about a guy in a relationship who's scared of commitment so he starts looking - at first he's looking at other people, maybe cheating on his first love, which is why he's looking for excuses. Then they split up. He realises what he's missed, she wants him back, so he 'crawls [guiltily] back into her open arms. That last line always makes me think that maybe he' a bit untrustworthy and might cheat on her again. It's the 'crawl' bit that does it, and I'm a bit cynical.

When I listen to this song however, it reminds me of a friend I had whom I came to care for very much, but who had problems of his own and had to go away, at which point I missed him very badly. He did come back, but it was never the same after that. When it gets to 'and I'm tired/ I should not have let you go' I always get a picture in my head of the last time I saw him before he left, trudging away from me in the snow.

Oasis – Wonderwall Lyrics 18 years ago
But if that was 'your' team, they'd mean everything to you if you supported them. (Although agreed about the rest).

Madonna – What It Feels Like For A Girl Lyrics 18 years ago
I love the lyrics to this song and do think it says a lot about how society sees women. It's the quote from 'The Cement Garden' that gets me (and yes it is credited on the listing on the cd I bought). I read the book a while ago (have't seen the film) and found it quite disturbing - incest, mother dying and being placed in a suitcase full of cement etc - but then Madge is no stranger to controversy. I think the speech comes in the book from the older teenage sister who now rules the roost at home, when she decides to dress the youngest boy up as a girl - which is what he wants anyway - and her boyfriend objects.

I've never thought the song itself was about cross-dressing though - but it could be.

Coldplay – Don't Panic Lyrics 18 years ago
Hmm, being new to this place, I didn't realise before I posted that I hadn't read all the comments. So now I think maybe the lyrics go a bit deeper than I originally thought. Maybe they actually mean hey, we live in a beautiful world so don't destroy it, don't wait for someone else to save the planet - as in 'everyone here has somebody there to lean on'. Don't wait until it's an emergency - 'Don't Panic'.

I love this site!

Coldplay – Don't Panic Lyrics 18 years ago
Can't really add to what's been said already. It says to me, hey, the world isn't such a bad place you know. It's the title that gets me because 'Don't Panic' are the exact words that are written on the 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe' in the book/film/radio show of the same name. Can't help thinking there's a link there somewhere.

Nirvana – Come As You Are Lyrics 18 years ago
This song makes me think of some boy inviting a friend - who used to be his 'old enemy' - out to a party or somewhere. They can come an old how, he isn't fussy, and not to worry because he really doesn't mean them any harm. No, honestly he doesn't have a gun. He swears he doesn't have a gun. But in fact, because this line is repeated so often, the more I listen, the more I wonder if he's actually concealing the fact that he does mean the other guy harm and actually, yes, he does have a gun, but doesn't want them to know. He does keep going on about the 'memoria', and remember this is an 'old enemy' and being 'dowsed in bleach' is not exactly good for you. I'd say he's going to kill him.

So I'm not with you on the acceptance theme here.

Oasis – Wonderwall Lyrics 18 years ago
Regardless of what it meant when it was written, this song always makes me think of football, because it reminds me of the way fans talk about their football heroes - especially young kids who have them pinned up as posters on their wall - their 'wonderwall' perhaps. So when I hear this song I always imagine it's a kid lying on his bed talking to the poster as if to the real 'hero' about what the papers or media or public are saying about them and that he still believes in them and that they will 'save' his club from relegation or whatever.

I have to admit to a sneaking feeling that Noel Gallagher meant all this about some Man City player when he wrote it, but felt it would be uncool to say it. Much better to say 'oh, Meg I wrote it for you'. I could be wrong about that too.

Coldplay – Speed of Sound Lyrics 18 years ago
What does this song mean to me? Well, I'm tempted to say 'birds came flying from the underground
if you could see it then you'd understand...'


For me it's about inventions, looking at things in a different way in order to create something new, and not being able to comprehend how it's done - especially flght. Also, the impact flight has had on the world - 'all that noise and all that sound' always reminds me of the noise of jet planes, and I wonder if was the sight of birds coming 'flying from the underground' that inspired someone to invent a plane or something aeronautical.

The first verse is like the thoughts of a little boy about to take his first trip in a plane. The second continues this and also talks of being in high places - up in trees and in space. Then we get to the inventions and incomprehensibility of it. Then I wonder if a spiritual element is creeping in a sort of 'wonder at God's creation' way - 'some things you have to believe'. This sort of carries on in:
'all those signs I knew what they meant
something you can't invent
Some get made, and some get sent'
But then the last verse also seems to be saying that the world has got smaller - words [now] go flying at the speed of sound around the world.

Still, I'm hoping it all becomes clear when I see those birds 'come flying from the underground' - wherever they are.

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