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Sublime – Seed Lyrics 18 years ago
Man what a song. My god. Nothing like it. To me it's about the intensity of life in Brad and the reality that living that way kills you - but told through a story about getting a girl pregnant - freedom against the pull of what you feel you should do - but a celebration of that torment - in the live versions i've heard he sings "i hope my parents love her" at the end, as if he's decided to stay...

Sublime – Jailhouse Lyrics 18 years ago

Sublime – STP Lyrics 18 years ago
I assume flava flave and ICE helped incite the Rodney King riots (which would make sense with the burning liquor store reference). And Kingston is the capital of Jamaica...
So could be this song is about sitting in a drug lab pad during the riots, hiding out due to paranoia, and being on heroin, all while listening to Marley - and loving it all enough to make this great great GREAT song

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