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Bruce Springsteen – Human Touch Lyrics 18 years ago
I would like to say I triple love this song and that is only half as much as I love the Pretenders. But I believe it has nothing to do with them.
Bruce is just layin down how messed up it can be trying to have a love or even a life in this world at this time. The power of the poetry is AWESOME in that one minute he sings of so you've been messed up show me someone who aint- then spins a car analogy about touch up and a little paint. But after all he can find wrong in the world and himself he still makes the best offer ANYONE ever gets - someone to talk to and a little of that human touch. Yes that can be sex and just a hug even AT THE SAME TIME maybe. Feel it people this is a masterwork!

Crowded House – Better Be Home Soon Lyrics 18 years ago
I think Midniteoil is closest. Notice it can work for a he or a she who is not "there" in the relationship. This can happen even if they are in bed TOGETHER! When (s)he says "It would cause me pain" it is like saying if you don't play fair I am taking my ball and going elsewhere. Let this be a lesson to all you would be lovers... you can take me for granted and ignore me while you are out slaying the dragon but you better be home soon! To me the Finns channel what the Beatles could have been. Sharp observations with a great melody and rhythm- I have never found artists so strong over multiple lineups and releases.
Add to that a tremendous joy and sense of humor and all I can say is:

"Finns... I wish I knew how to quit you"!

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