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Thrice – Image of the Invisible Lyrics 18 years ago
Once agaiiiiiiiiiiin. I'd like to quote what I posted earlier...

Although everyone else hates us and likes to classify us, we have actual names. You know how some people are like 'I hate nerds' etc?

The "genre of people" I am thinking about is outcasts. The people who act as a shadow, are the popular people who are pretty conceited about themselves.

I myself believe in God. I am not a Christian. I don't like the idea of people saying,

'Image of the Invisible' refers to Christians as the Image of God.

Mainly because I believe people are equal, and therefore have the right to believe or not believe. But I do not like the idea of one person thinking people who follow his/her belief are better than people who do not.

Thrice – Image of the Invisible Lyrics 18 years ago
Once again, my opinion.
"Thought the world may hate us, we are named"
Although everyone else hates us and likes to classify us, we have actual names. You know how some people are like 'I hate nerds' etc? It's another way of saying we are people, not just carbon & chemicals nor are we just another nerd. We are people and we stand up together against those who reject us.
"Though shadow overtake us, we are known"
Refers to no matter how much more there are of the other people who think they are better, we are still existent and everyone knows it.

Any other questions on my opinion? Makes sense to me, and strikes me as a little less conceited.

Thrice – Image of the Invisible Lyrics 18 years ago
Well, I think people are looking more into the references than the actual meaning of the song. Since when are Christians the "cull" in a situation?

Thrice – Image of the Invisible Lyrics 18 years ago
I totally disagree with all the people that would like to say this song is about Christians/Christianity. First off, the band doesn't like to segregate religions as shown in their song "Cold Cash and Colder Hearts." Although I know that the song sounds like it refers to the Bible. But to be honest, the Bible likes to cover almost every aspect of life and anyone can make anything seem like a reference to the Bible.

My main point is, this song seems to be taking a humane point of view on life in general. It's like a broader version of "Colder Cash and Colder Hearts" because it talks about people who feel like they're shunned or rejected by society.

"We're more than carbon and chemicals"
People aren't just things.
"Free will is ours and we can't let go"
We can decide for ourselves and we can't just go along with whatever everyone says.
"We can't allow this, the quiet cull"
This can't be left alone. A person who is rejected/shunned who is quiet and says nothing back.
"So we sing out this, our canticle"
So we chant out against this injustice.

For definitions,
Cull = Something picked out from a group, especially rejected because of inferior quality.
Canticle = A song or chant. (If you want more extreme, it's like a religious chant/song that people believe in)

Of course... my view on the song is my own. Just sharing my opinion :D

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