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Hole – Teenage Whore Lyrics 19 years ago
For all you who didn't know...I heard Hole broke up awhile back. For the longest time I grew up thinking Courtney had a impact on kurt's death, but now I realize (from actually taking a kick ass class on Nirvana.) that Nirvana and Holes, mainly Kurt and Courtney were far more complicated that everything they wrote. (And yes, prior to many people's beliefs, Courtney -did- write music, and had been since before Kurt came along.) I'm huge fans of both Kurt and Courtney, and I think they needed each other, they almost fed off each others energy. I mean look at the way the met, they wrestled....haha...Just saying, Courtney does have talent, and I think Holes is so underappriated its naeusating.

Fall Out Boy – Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy Lyrics 19 years ago
This song is very self explanitory. The acoustic version is very beautiful, of course I'm a suck for acoustic songs, anyways. It does appear to be about a boy who wants a girl but she has a boyfriend. Kind of reminds me of American Hi Fi's 'Flavor of the Weak'

Something Corporate – Konstantine Lyrics 19 years ago
‘I can't imagine all the people that you know
and the places that you go
when the lights are turned down low’

He can’t believe how wonderful she is by the fact of how many people love her and how gorgeous her dreams must be.

’and I don't understand all the things you've seen
but I'm slipping in between
you and your big dreams’

He knows she has a future ahead of her that must be great, and he’s getting caught up in her wanting of it.

'it's always you
in my big dreams'

He’s telling her that she’s the only ‘big’ future he dreams of

'and you tell me that it's over
wake up lying in a patch of four leaf clovers
When she breaks up with him he feels ashamed and uncovered
and you're restless, and I'm naked
you've gotta get out
you can't stand to see me shaking'

She’s restless on the fact that she is leaving him, and he’s still ‘uncovered’ She does have feelings for him but her needs right now are greater so she must get out before she runs back to him.

could you let me go?
I didn't think so'

He knows she’ll come back to him

'and you don't wanna be here in the future
so you say the present's just a pleasant interruption to the past
and you don't wanna look much closer
cuz your afraid to find out all this hope you had sent into the sky by now had crashed
and it did
because of me'

He knows she doesn’t want to be here with him in the future, because the present with him would be just the same as the problems they had in the past. And she doesn’t want to ‘look much closer’ at the relationship because by her point of view he’s already ‘screwed’ with her big dreams enough.

'and then you bring me home
afraid to find out that you're alone
and I'm sleeping in your living room
but we don't have much room to live '
((I think the chorus is self explanatory.))

'I had these dreams in them I learned to play guitar
maybe cross the country
become a rock star
and there was hope in me that I could take you there
but dammit you're so young
well I don't think I care
and if I hurt you
then I'm sorry
please don't think that this was easy'

He thinks maybe if he had big dreams too, she would love him again and he would want to bring her along for the ride, on second thought he’s also saying he doesn’t care if he hurts her, but he’s sorry, he knows hurting people isn’t easy.

'then you'd bring me home
cuz we both know what it's like to be alone
and I'm dreaming in your living room
but we don't have much room to live '

'and konstantine is walking down the stairs
doesn't she look good
standing in her underwear
and I was thinking
what I was thinking
we've been drinking and it doesn't get me anywhere'

They try for a bit of make up time, and they both have been drinking which means a sober mans thoughts are a drunken man’s words, he knows just drinking will impair judgment, and her feelings when she’s tipsy aren’t the same.

'my konstantine came walking down the stairs
and all that I could do is touch her long blonde hair
and I've been thinking
it hurts me thinking that these nights when we were drinking no they never got us anywhere

He still loves her and he wants to be with her, and those nights drinking just pulled them farther away instead of brining them closer.

'this is because I can spell konfusion with a k
and I can like it
it's to dying in another's arms and why I had to try it
it's to Jimmy Eat World and those nights in my car
when the first star you see may not be a star
I'm not your star
isn't that what you said
what you thought this song meant'

He’s different than all the other boys, because he spells confusion with a k, he needs to try to move on but the memories preceed still, he remembers her telling him she wasn’t right for him and that’s what she felt the Jimmy Eat World song is about.

'and if this is what it takes
just to lie with my mistakes
and live with what I did to you
all the hell I put you through'

He’s willing to try and fix all this mistakes to be with her, even if it puts him trough hell

'I always catch the clock
it's 11:11
and now you want to talk
it's not hard to dream
you'll always be my konstantine'

Apperently 11:11 is their time, and she wants to talk, and he’s saying with her its never hard to dream, because she’ll always be his love.

'my konstantine, they'll never hurt you like I do
no they'll never hurt you like I do
no, no, no no no no no no'

And he also finds that no one will be able to hurt her as much as he could.

'this is to a girl who got into my head
with all the pretty things she did
you know
you keep me up in bed
this is to a girl who got into my head
with all these fucked up things I did
you could keep me up in bed
my Konstantine'

He’s reminiscing of how he fell for her and how pretty she was with every heart clenching move she made. He never seemed to feel for a girl like this before, because of his ‘fucked up things’. Then he’s thinking how she could keep him up in bed which can either be sexual or more momumental by saying he’s thinking about her.

'you spin around me like a dream we played out on this movie screen
and I said
did you know I missed you? (x7)
I miss you'

Their love was so dramatic is was like a movie soap opera, and he wants her to know he misses her

'and then you bring me home
and we'll go to sleep, but this time, not alone, no no
and you'll kiss me in your living room
I know
you'll miss me in your living room
cuz these nights I think maybe that I'll miss you in my living room
we don't have much room
I said does anybody need that room?
because we all need alittle more room
to live
my Konstantine'

He wishes She’ll bring him home and they’ll be together again, but in reality she’ll miss him b/c she’ll be alone and he’ll miss her because he’s alone.
This is only my view on the song, how I think about it. Feel free to disagree, but I know random lines have many different meanings for people. I was just trying to pull the most common I've heard.

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