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Bauhaus – She's In Parties Lyrics 14 years ago
She's in parties,
its in the can
She's in parties,
its in the can


If its about Marilyn Monroe, then maybe "she`s in parties" refer to the film as a technical mean of representation, cause on a celluloid film everything is cut in frames (or parts) and with "in the can" maybe they meant this aluminium can where they used to keep films in those days. And here we can see the existential undertone of Bauhaus - all that is left of once adored sex symbol is just her projection on decaying celluloid. Everything is towards its death, so to say.

Joanna Newsom – Yarn and Glue Lyrics 16 years ago
Yeah, she`s really smart. Smart, beautiful and talented.

I had some problems with meaning of few words, like "antediluvian", "rabble-rouser" and other that are not unknown per se but its just hard to get them in particular context cause English is not my native language.

So my idea is that this song is about religion as a form of escapism. This "antediluvian" means time before great floods in bible, so traveling back in this biblical picture made form yarn and glue could be viewed as critique of refusing to admit that we all will die. Here is the line:

"Do we die or do we travel...../in the arts of antediluvian crafts/ with yarn and glue"

Considering that Joanna likes nature and all that natural stuff it may give a reason to think that she does not like institutional religion.

And all the other stuff i think is about hypocrisy, if i got the right meaning of word "toast". As i understood "toast" here means "to praise". If that how it is, than it seems that she is singing about that people are trying to look good on the surface but in reality they are corrupt because they are not exploring their authentic self but instead they are traveling in the antediluvian crafts made by artisans, that could be understood as priests and other adepts of institutional religion.

Radiohead – 2 + 2 = 5 (The Lukewarm) Lyrics 18 years ago
Ok, the phrase 2+2=5 is similar to one used in Orwell`s 1994, BUT i dont think that it has the same meaning as in Orwell`s book. I think that in this song 2+2=5 means that in his home [or in his own reality] he can live under his own laws of nature and everything else. He understands that its imposible to make world a better place, so he decides to stay at "home" where he can create his own little world where 2+2 are equal 5.

It`s like you can never change the order of the world where 2+2 alway will be 5 and where everything is in a strict order and days passing by with "no suprises", but there always will be your own world where everything can happen...

John Lennon – Working Class Hero Lyrics 18 years ago
i think that phrase

'...working class hero is something to be...'

Lennon ment sarcastically. Like the only aim to the working class individual is to become a succesfull hero in capitalism`s vanguard. Working class hero i think is the man who has filled all the 'american dream' tasks - a career, house, big car, and some capital.

The western society is permanently fucking your brain with this same old mantra - 'working class hero is something to be'. Youe are always reminded, that only respectable choise is to become a 'working class hero'

And i dont think that this is some kind of anthem for working class, it is more like that Lennon in this song is not very kind towards working class..

Radiohead – Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors Lyrics 18 years ago
could`nt it be about types of people? just like there are division by temperament, mental dispositions, it is the same, but expressed with metaphors of doors. for example:

'..there are barn doors..' Person who is opened and is able to psychically assimilate a big portions of world and other people, in the same time keeping the depth of this contact.

'..and there are revolving doors...' - pretty the same as previous BUT [big but] this kind of person lets through a lot of people, but soon forgets about them. They just passing through and he knows them just in surface.

'...we are revolving doors..' - means that we are living in time, where we are meeting a lot of people, but we are very careless in attitude towards them. The lack of depth in human contact.

'...Doors on the rudders of big ships..' - could mean the mentally highly developed individual and if you decide to get close to him and pass theese doors, you must be ready to guide his 'ship' with him. ship could be the priciples, strong ideas, actually the person himself...

'..There are doors that open by themselves..' - the individual who desperately seeks for contact and 'opens' whenever there is someone who passes by.

'..There are sliding doors and there are secret doors' - The discret people to whom you can get only if you 'slide' the necesary doors, they wo`nt open by themselves and the people who is very secret and you need to find the 'secret doors' - the only way to this person.

'...There are doors that lock and doors that don't...' Unreachable people and some that is just pretending to be them for the reason of their own menthal harmony

'...There are doors that let you in and out but never open...' - people who is opened on surface in order to survive in the society, but who never opens their 'inner doors'. the inmost part of presonality always stays closed.

'...But they are trapdoors That you can't come back from...' - This 'trapdoors' can be someone who are very close to you and who you never can forget. You`ll always emotionally stay inside of this person`s doors.

sorry for my language, english is not my native..

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