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The Beatles – Glass Onion Lyrics 19 years ago
i agree with koldaz1ce, when you trip, you look at your life totally differently, and that feeling stays with you the rest of your life. i think that the song is to shut up all the people who were like "the beatles don't have any hidden meanings." He made this song, which very clearly dosen't mean anything to give them soemthing to say "hey look at this song, all of their songs are rambleing" when really those people just havn't expanded their minds enough to understand the beatles' other work.

The Beatles – Within You Without You Lyrics 19 years ago
this is a perfect example of how george was just as much of a musical genious as john and paul. This song speaks to everyone who has ever experienced a trip. i wish everyone could just have 1 good trip, everything would be put into perspective for you, and you would have a much more satisfied and fulfilling life. and the world would be a better place because of it

The Beatles – Two of Us Lyrics 19 years ago
I love this song, it is awesome how they could come together like this and celebrate all the good times they had together during their careers with the beatles, especially since they were having so many artistic clashes about that time. Let it be is a beautifuly titled and written album which is the perfect ending to their career (even though abbey road was written last) But this song in particualar addressed the relationship between john and paul which brought the beatles such greatness.

From Autumn to Ashes – No Trivia Lyrics 19 years ago
this song reminded me of an ex that i think i am still in love with, but i broke it off with her. I think she still has feelings for me. So when i actually listened to the song the first time, all i could think about was being at her wedding..."but only as a guest". and her seeing me watching her walk down the asile, and knowing that her being "Such an unfaithful bride" would think of how wonderful our wedding would have been and how happy spending the rest of our lives together would be. But "Of Course I dont believe in fate" so maybe it could have been our wedding...
just another way to look at the song
The most powerful and moving FATA song for me and one of my all time favorites

The Beatles – The End Lyrics 19 years ago
I think it is the end. I also think that you can love someone more than they love you, but what goes around comes around, because another person is bound to love you more than u love them

The Beatles – A Day in the Life Lyrics 19 years ago
Has anyone ever thought of this song as being about the end of the world?

I admit that thats probably not what the song is about but it is interesting to think of that while the song is playing. The dramatic music adds to the athmosphere the lyrics create. Important people are committing suicide becuase they cannot take the upcoming end off all things. Society is watching movies of their great accomplishments such as winning wars to give them a sence of purpose in life becuase they no that there civilization is about to be destroyed. They are counting the holes (which may be some kind of sign that the end is near) to take their mind off that fact that they ARE signs. They make records of the holes to believe that they have a future (why else would u keep records, but for future reference). The end noise may symbolize all the talking that didn't get anyone anywhere, becuase in the end, all lives are over.
It sounds to me that pauls part could come first in the order of events. That the entire song is supose to be 1 person talking: he wakes up...get out of bed...etc then "somebody spoke and I went into a dream" And the dream was the rest of the song. Pauls part may also symbolize peoples' every day routine, which seems pointless when the world is coming to an end. I also think there is a connection between "good morning" which is 2 tracks before this song on Sgt. Pepper and Paul's part of the song, it seems like it is talking about the same routine.
I doubt any of this is even close to what they had in mind, but i think its interesting to keep in mind

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