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Hefner – The Hymn For The Cigarettes Lyrics 16 years ago
if you smoke, it's pretty likely you've come across lucky strikes.. i don't think i've ever heard them referred to as lucky stripes before =P

perhaps the emptiness of a relationship and the fact they can't move forward, is causing him to reflect and look backwards- cigarettes being his reflective medium of choice..

once you look at it cigarettes are an amusing and interesting thing to look at..
i think every smoker, as well as addiction, regards those little white sticks with a certain fondness.. malboro reds [the hard stuff, for when youfirst started and thought they were cool].. LandBs when you realised they were cheap.. menthols when you got bored.. rothmans when you wanted some real nicotine fixing.. lucky strike rolling baccy cause the packet was cool.. golden virginia when you got pretty poor.. designer cigs when you stumbled across a better stocked newsagents you'd never visited before and had more than a fiver in your pocket.. the cheap holiday cigs and the cartons you bought off friends.. and then malboro lights when you realised you were addicted and scared yourself into cutting down..

Jamie T – Sheila Lyrics 18 years ago
Yes, I too see incredibly similarity between Alex Turner's sheffield accent and Jamie T's london accent.. :p

Thursday – Ian Curtis Lyrics 18 years ago
Yeah, Curtis was conducting some kind of affair with a dutch girl called Annik Honore.. I think.. some people reckon that Ceremony was written to her or about the situation or something.
I'm really starting to struggle with Thursday.. I really like their music and respect them as musicians and intelligent guys, but their references just seem empty and poorly employed.. they seem to have just mentioned Curtis for the sake of it.. and the Neil Young reference in UIAC is awkward.
Maybe it adds to the kind of discomfort and emotional ugliness that this song is trying to achieve; when you can't even take comfort in sadness because the feeling is just ugly, and maybe I'm just having a mental block, but I don't see it..

Thursday – Understanding In A Car Crash Lyrics 18 years ago
Sorry.. I wasn't very clear.. I meant considering he said this song was about his mate dying in a car crash.. how do the drugs fit in?

Thursday – Understanding In A Car Crash Lyrics 18 years ago
I love Thursday, but I'm confused as to what the Neil Young reference is supposed to mean..
Neil Young has an amazing song "The Needle And The Damage Done".. which is pretty much epitomised by its line "But every junkie's like a setting sun".. so I'm just wondering how this song could relate to drugs, because as great as Thursday are.. I don't think Geoff has employed it that greatly.. seems like a bit of an empty reference/ waste. Can anyone help me out?

Fall Out Boy – Love Will Tear Us Apart (Joy Division cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
Fall Out Boy are such a nothing band and Joy Division were, and still are, monumental... you don't catch FOB getting a "Godlike Genius" NME Award.
The original can never be murdered, but FOB have come as close to raping it as anyone previously.
If they touch Ceremony, I'll castrate them all.
I thought I was progressing nicely along the road of tolerance and respect for all music, after all.. there is no accounting for taste.. but this should be ILLEGAL! Stupid whiney american "post hardcore" voices.. it's not even like a good emo band covered it! The worst bit is the last few "Love, love will tear us apart again"s because he can't sodding sing!

The Clash – I Fought the Law (The Crickets cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
Originally by Sonny Curtis of the Crickets, covered by the Bobby Fuller Four, The Clash, Hank Williams Jr, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Greenday, Bryan Adams, Roy Orbison, Tom Petty and The Grateful Dead.

The Bobby Fuller Four covered it in 65 and their version was more successful, therefore it is often mistaken for it. Just as the song because a top ten hit, Fuller was found dead in a car near his house.

The Clash – (White Man) In Hammersmith Palais Lyrics 18 years ago
This song was so mature when it came out, it was much more subtle and pensive than White Riot and London's Calling, two singles that it had been sandwiched between on the album. It really separated The Clash from the anarchism of The Sex Pistols and earned their nickname as "the thinking man's yobs". They played this at Joe's funeral, as it was one of his favourites.

The Clash – White Riot Lyrics 18 years ago
At points in the bands later career, Mink refused to play this song as he found it crude and immature.. it's quite Ramonesish.. the 1-2-3-4 on the original UK version, the US version is introduced by a siren, and the two chords being played very fast together.

Interestingly, the B side of this single was all about how Elvis, the Beatles and the Stones were no longer musically relevant.

The Clash – White Riot Lyrics 18 years ago
The song urged young white men to take political action, just as their black counterparts were doing.

Nothing racist, just telling 'em to get of their arses.

The Clash – London Calling Lyrics 18 years ago
"London's drowning and I live by the river," comes from the concern that if the Thames burst its banks, most of central London would be flooded. Strummer was actually living in a high rise flat when he penned this.

"This is London calling..." was used by the BBC World Service station to identify themselves in broadcasting to occupied companies during WWII.

"A nuclear error" is a reference to what happened at Three Mile Island, in 1979.

The lyrics are also said to reflect the bands desperation at their debt, lack of management and internal arguments etc

"Now don't look to us, all that phoney Beatlemania has bitten the dust.." is a reference to their insecurities over their position as a band, post 1977 punk rock boom in England.

It was certainly a new song for The Clash.. they'd rarely used minor keys before. It has a kind of apocolyptic feel, with Topper's drumming, perfectly synchronised to staccato guitar, the deliberation in the tempo, Strummers baleful delivery and animalisti howling really emphasise the paranoia and desperation.

Note how the song doesn't fade out or anything; it breaks down... in a kind of Tonwshend-esque manner.

The Clash – Rock the Casbah Lyrics 18 years ago
It's a little ignorant to call The Clash sell outs, when it is widely known they were never entirely driven by money. Ticket and album/ cd etc prices were kept very reasonable even at the height of their popularity. They were insistant that their double and triple album sets be sold for the prices of normal albums [about a fiver, back then], which they had to eventually compromise for £5.99, but they forfeited all of their royalties. They refused to sacrifice their principles and thus were in debt to CBS Records until 1982, when they only just broke even. Not quite sell outs.
Furthermore, they're not pop punk; I doubt it even existed back in the first wave of punk in the UK.. they were punk rock, and drew their influences from all over the musical spectrum, including reggae, rockabilly and in turn influencing hip hop, ska, britpop, alternative rock, punk pop, reggae etc.

Thursday – Ian Curtis Lyrics 19 years ago
Ah.. they did an Ian Curtis feature in NME the other day. It was called "Don't Tear Us Apart", in reference to the posters they had of him. It made my day. Thursday are wonderful, but none of my friends seem to think so, so I suppose it'll be off to a concert with my cousin or on my bill.

Radiohead – Just Lyrics 19 years ago
Radiohead have said that there is a real answer to the "riddle" and that the man does actually say it, so you may be able to lip read if you zoom in a sustantial amount. One of the band members have, allegedly, said that the answer involves a number. And, if you'd like to speculate, the lying down guy is lying on a plastic arm. Personally, I'm rather tired of wondering what it is the man says, but I'd still like to know just so that I could want to lie down so much. As has been said, it would greatly lessen the power of the video if we all knew what the guy says.. if Radiohead are ever forgotten [doubtful] and in a desperate state, they could always divulge it to get back in the limelight.

Good Charlotte – Mountain Lyrics 19 years ago
I don't hate GC. I respect that their sound has matured a hell of a lot, but I still don't enjoy their music [and I have listened to a great deal of it]. Stop referring to those who dislike GC's music as though they are a single clique [the haters.... some have more valid reasons than others and those deserve to be heard]. I also find your patriotic little "we don't have to listen to you....leave us alone..."s rather irritating. Can you not think for yourselves? Stop answering for people who you don't know.

A Perfect Circle – The Noose Lyrics 19 years ago
The whole album is along the lines of addiction, then rehabilitation and recovery, Maynard himself has said that, I wonder what this song could be about then? This song is number 3 on "Thirteenth Step", so it ocmes pretty early in the cycle.

Good Charlotte – Mountain Lyrics 19 years ago
Well, it may sound heart warming, what with them being all humble and grateful towards their fans, but you surely must recognise that it is all for show?

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