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The National – This Is the Last Time Lyrics 10 years ago
Yes i agree, very much. when he holds her up shes a thousand times more than she really is, but shes a swamp, she sucks him in. hes left sad, and high. he promises this is the last time...the observation that it takes a lot of pain to pick me up is obviously referring to why someone would so something so destructive. that the cup is full of pain is another obvious reference to addiction. addiction and a bad relationship are pretty similar.

Wolf Parade – Bang Your Drum Lyrics 11 years ago
I think its asking you whether the drum beat, the common masses, the culture draws you or repels you, or do the masses want you or want you gone? the answer is to bang YOUR drum.
Im reminded of Shut up Im dreaming where Spencer asks 'why make a sound' no one will understand my dream anyways.

Wolf Parade – Cave-O-Sapien Lyrics 11 years ago
Well cave o sapien is a part of Spencer that doesnt make relationships a priority. Maybe a part of him that is like his father, or a runner. Spencer has that, and nothing else, until he lets cave-o go. Perhaps cave-o is the primitive part of man that would rather gather from a garden and trample it as oppossed to tending to one. Cave-O doesnt do commitment. I think this vision of masculinity was at a time attractive to Spencer, but he realizes that it leaves you alone. Sometimes men focus more on their purposes and devises than their relationships as well.

Sunset Rubdown – Paper Lace Lyrics 12 years ago
its about being attracted to the wrong things- things without substance- paper, lace, pretty girls, etc and not to build your house around such things.

Sunset Rubdown – You Go On Ahead (Trumpet, Trumpet II) Lyrics 12 years ago
yea i think its about touring and performing and having the burden to put your faceon , or act, perform in front of people- and maybe some days you arent that into and you wish someone else would kind of take over- or maybe that you just let things be without worrying about them too much- to just be yourself-

Sunset Rubdown – Us Ones in Between Lyrics 12 years ago
its about common experience- of the great mother- who gives life, and then devours its children. its about moving through fear and and hatred and moving forward, through uncertainty and towards the inevitable death and destruction- but that the great mother also loves those who venture on, and meet their potential. but perhaps its about the pain of this kind of existence, and we all experience it- and mayve the relief that at the end of the day everyone falls asleep- when the day is done.

Sunset Rubdown – Black Swan Lyrics 12 years ago
its about struggling with belief about things you cant see. and there are things that you might see that arent quite real(, or are false( made out of paper and glue). and theres the idea that one of those unseen things, like love- is set out before you- and this makes me think about god- and that for different reasons you cant capture them, you cant experience them- what is it that the person cant 'walk away from'- what are they attached to that makes them unable to 'see the ghost'- maybe the unseen thing is love or, even possibly god.
maybe its about how hard it is to be a person of heart.

R.E.M. – Country Feedback Lyrics 18 years ago
the song is obviosuly about a failed relationship( this flower is scorched)- how its dynamics are frustratingly repeated( the film is on a maddening loop. how they arent compatible( these clothes dont fit us right)... the line im blame its all the same is pretty obviously sarcasm, he isnt to blame, hes sick of taking all the blame! i find the last lines most compelling 'its crazy what you could have had' as in its crazy what you pass up, but these things you need cant be given to you by this person...Michaels attitude on relationship is pretty piss poor- no wonder hes single- bemine is a stalker song, the one i love is a cynical song..and theres...but you never called..waited for your calll..blah blah blah...whats up with this dude?

R.E.M. – Be Mine Lyrics 18 years ago
I think this is kind of like 'every breath you take' its not a love song at all. not the line 'you will see' 'you will see' 'youa nd me, you and me'. Ever had a crush? its like turning someone into a religion, a drug. its got nothign to do with love, its more sinister than that.

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Minor Thing Lyrics 18 years ago
ok, first off to there are elements of spiritulaity in RHCP's songs that you cant deny. While tehyve certainly dissed organized religion, I dont think the RHCP's have dissed spirituality- im pretty sure both from their lyrics and coments tehyve made taht they are in fact very spiritual- see Keidis interest in Yoga for example, or Fleas love of the 'energy lady'. Dont froget me I think is pretty overtly referring to God . I cant belive, no matter what the band may ahve said( perhaps flippantly) that the song is only about John Fruschiante- check the main lyric 'to readjust youve got to trust that all the fuss is jsut a minor thing- what does taht have to do with John? thats everybody- and i doubt that the band thinks John, no matter how talented he is, 'Knows Everything' Come on.

Led Zeppelin – Friends Lyrics 18 years ago
the big line here ' you got love you aint lonely'- if you practice love you wont be lonely. brilliant.

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Don't Forget Me Lyrics 18 years ago
this song is about god reminding him not to forget about Him. or its him remining himself not to forget abotu Him. well, you know.

Red Hot Chili Peppers – This Is the Place Lyrics 18 years ago
'i caught you out there yesterday, what did u wanna say, a perfect piece of DNA'- i think hes saying dont flush everythign away, your a perfect peice of DNA, dont be afraid to express yourself. dont hide in your demons, in your drugs. maybe hes saying ti to himself-or maybe to john, maybe to any junkie. i always thought the ' this is my calling' is a reference to johnwho i think at one point thought that drugs were his calling...

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Dosed Lyrics 18 years ago
I think this song is primarily about losing someone you love, but cant have. take it away i never had it anyways sounds so much like buddhit philosophy, that you cant be free, unless you let go of everything. trying to own anythign is frustrating( like a drug addiction) beucase everyting is temporary. so you have to let go. the line all i ever wanted was your life i think has a double meaning- her life as in sharing it- and i think i heard that Keidis wanted her child, but she didtn want children.

Gordon Downie – Lofty Pines Lyrics 18 years ago
so we dream and the reality is always cheap and tawdry and seedy, but we keep dreaming on like idiots anyways. cool.

Gordon Downie – Vancouver Divorce Lyrics 18 years ago
coke machine glow is just an incredible, beautiful album. trick rider, man bruised by butterfly chase, and check ot the tuba on yer possessed. i loved the line 'I love your paintings dont take your colours away- Ive grown more feraful of them everyday'.
that about says it for me.i guess thats it. thought thered be more to say...

Led Zeppelin – No Quarter Lyrics 19 years ago
ah i think its a song about being tough( they hold no quarter, they ask no quarter) could be that they give no mercy and ask none, or it oculd mean that as they are kind of trailblazers( those who take the road where no one goes), and therefore they hold no quarters i.e living space. there also seems to be some feeling of isolation(, also the tone is cold and dark... where no one gooooes), it might be a song about how tough those are who go it alone, but bring back news of their adentures, identities( the carry news that must get through). There is also religious imagery here ( the devil mocks their every step) and while they endure pain they ask for no mercy for themselves( see jesus). to me it really is about those who forge new paths( jesus, aragorn, the vikings) or take their own path. and teh pain of doing so.

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