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Britney Spears – I'm a Slave for You Lyrics 22 years ago
your right you cant juge her by the music she sings or how horrie she dose look!!!!anyway when i was i think ten i loved britney.she was a teen dream now she a 20 year old hore she has cahnged

Creed – Young Grow Old Lyrics 22 years ago
hey NerdyTheWall theres something wrong with you your messed up like you tell people to burn themselfs up over a band they like you have no life mabey creed is not your type of music but dont go and dis it cuz this shit kicks ass

Creed – One Last Breath Lyrics 22 years ago
wow your right it dose seem that is what hes talken about thats wack man i never had thought of this song in that way but when you do it really seems that he is!iam an opened minded person so i can read the song and see where most of you are comming from that is cool this song could be about meany things right and this could be it il ove this song its one of there best so far but i like with arms wide open the best!!!!

Creed – Lullaby Lyrics 22 years ago
whatever but if you listend to there music thats what they say in lots of there songs creed kicks ass but im not going to be an ass and bite your head off for not like creed everones got there own appion and mine is they kick ass

Creed – Bullets Lyrics 22 years ago
i love this song its so diffrent from all there other songs its kinda got a rock thing going on what is really cool it kind stars out with them talken in there normal thing then it gose really wacked out and its cool i dont no what its about and i dont really care its a cool song

Creed – Don't Stop Dancing Lyrics 22 years ago
your right creed kicks ass there a good band this song is another masterpic scott stapp is on my wall of hotties on my wall at home

Creed – With Arms Wide Open Lyrics 22 years ago
i love creed and all of there songs but this one is my fav.but it makes me relly sad they played this song at my bros friends furnial we grew up together.But this song is about his un born kid.

Danko Jones – Bounce Lyrics 22 years ago
i love danko jones there a really good rock band but nobody has heard of them they kick ass man i first heard of them on much music there so cool

City High – What Would You Do Lyrics 22 years ago
hey this song is about someone that had sex and a young age got pragnet and the father left now she has no money so she sells herself.She cant go home cuz her father raped her i dont now about the mom or anything but it is a really good song and i think that more people should listen to it cuz this kind of stuff can really happen and thats right stay in school

Creed – My Sacrifice Lyrics 22 years ago
i think creed kicks ass there one of the best bands alive man the have meaning in there songs.I love all there songs but my fav out off all there songs is with arms wide open its so fat

Creed – My Sacrifice Lyrics 22 years ago
dinosaurjim29 fuck you man or woman your shit dont talk shit about creed.Creeds one of the best bands out there there songs acturaly have some kind of meaning.This song is so cool and if you dont like it i am not going to jug you but dont friken dis creed bitch

Creed – My Sacrifice Lyrics 22 years ago
undisturbed your right like its not your fault that there is some wack ass shit going on you no like they could jug anyone cuz some fuck up people just do some crazy shit.There is at least 1 thing that someone in your calutural has done bad so dont jug them by what some jack ass did he just happened to e from that cuntry you nno what iam sayen.but still if it ws some amarican or canadain that pulled that kind of shit you would jug all of us.

Creed – My Sacrifice Lyrics 22 years ago
takeonsnake what the hell where did bisexulas come it to this i think you are gay that has nothing to do with the dam song

Creed – My Sacrifice Lyrics 22 years ago
hey this is shit 2 of the people are fighting because one person thinks its about god and the other thinks its about himself you guys have to much time people everones got there own appionin ok it dont matter were all creed fans here we should all get along ok.anyway i think the song is about himself hes looking ahead and i also think it is about god the vidio dose send off a little noha arch feeling but the only way to settel this is to ask scott stapp himself.

Creed – One Last Breath Lyrics 22 years ago
hey this is for pennylane i think he said for you to listen to this song cuz he feels like you both need to move on and he dosnt really want to and it like take a while to get over you but in the end it will be the best for both of you but he still beleves theres something lef for you and him well i could be wrong

Creed – One Last Breath Lyrics 22 years ago
hey whats up and yes scott is so dama hot to bad hes taken jk well any way i found out that he made the song befor he was in da car crash so i think its him reaching out to god or someone

Chad Kroeger – Hero Lyrics 22 years ago
man this song is so stoke man its so cool but i dont no what the hell there tryen to say but its obleys about love and trying to save man kind and you hes right look what love gave us A world full of killing, and blood-spilling look what happened on sept 11 man i think that it all gose down it to that man as many songs that have been made after that date

Nickelback – Where Do I Hide Lyrics 22 years ago
man i agreee that he got cought for a crime he didt comite and i think that it was hes friend that did the crime or mabey they both had something to do with it but he was the only one cought or his friend ratted him out withce is trippy man

Nickelback – Never Again Lyrics 22 years ago
man i ve been there too my mums old boy friend was like that he never hit her untill one day man he went nuts he broke her ribs and she had bruses everyware man it was shit.Ya and one of you said that they should have just got a devorice but man he could still hurt her ya the gun thing was not the right thight to do but he desvered it he was a dick.And i love nickelback there so stoke man

Creed – One Last Breath Lyrics 22 years ago
man did all not hear about the car acident that scott the lead singer had?i think that this song is what he was feeling when he went over the clift .he almost lost his life .
the verse iam six feet from the eage and iam thinkn mabey six feet is not so far down you know what iam sayen .and its a sweet ass song creed kicks ass and scott is so hot

Goldfinger – 99 Red Balloons Lyrics 22 years ago
two kids go into a shop and buy 99 red ballons and let them go in the summer sky and germany thinks its a misile from russia.So gremnay sends necular misiles to russia and starts wourld war 3

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