Lyric discussion by QueenElsa 

I was introduced to this song in 2001 by a friend. It's vastly different to anything I would've listened to back then but it quickly became a favourite of mine. It just resonated with me for some reason and every now and then I would find myself singing this to my cat since she happened to be sitting on my chest while I was chilling listening to music.

I recall each time singing the part "I'll always want you, I'll always need you, I'll always love you. And I will always miss you." -- It's such a powerful part of the song and it always made me a little teary thinking about how some day my little baby girl won't be here.

That day came a few days back. I just played this song and even though I wept like a little bitch and felt completely empty now that I no longer have her with me, it also felt extraordinarily cathartic.

I'm probably still going to feel like shit for a while, but even though this song brings me to tears, at least for a few moments, I feel like she's not really gone and that I'm singing this to her again.

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