Lyric discussion by stealtheharmony 

It seems to be a call to someone whom he has broken up with or isn't as close to anymore. It's a very cute song, full of cheap and cute emotions. Longing, guilt...

It does seem that he has pushed someone away rather than the other way around, "I'm not going anywhere/I thought you'd only make me weak". It sounds like at one point in his relationship with this person, he wasn't ready to make certain commitments, and thought that it would make him weaker. But "that's wrong", because as I myself have found, being with someone is a very demanding and strengthening task.

Because of the distance that he himself has created, and maybe some subsequent mistakes, he now feels very guilty, "like you are the most useless on the planet Earth". He wants to fix his mistakes by coming back to this person because he still feels something for them and wishes they were with him. Moreover, he has gained some extra courage of his own that enables him to go on no matter what - "I found the shiners of my own/A fantasy Good memories" - I don't know what shiners are, but they must be very inspirational, feel-good things. I think he hopes these new, positive qualities of his will recommend him to the person he addresses in the song.

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