Lyric discussion by stppj 

I have been visiting this site for some years, but never felt compelled to create an account until reading these comments.

"I sometimes realize I could only be as good as you'll let me. Are you woman enough to be my man? Bandaged hand in hand."

I think it has nothing to do with being homo, or speaking as a woman, I think it is simply about a relationship where the woman is bossy(I sometimes realize I could only be as good as you'll let me.) and ends up being the "man" in the relationship(Are you woman enough to be my man?).

I think it is pretty clear that all the song is about a guy who has been dumped by a girl, who he feels is too much for him, although she was the one that pulled him down from what he could be...

Just my way of looking into it...

Hope to have made my point clear, any language related problems are due to the fact that I'm Portuguese.

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