Lyric discussion by orangecrush8080 

Ok. Maybe I'm totally wrong here, but this song makes me think of someone who has found the one person for him, and then lost that person again. And the part about feeling like God's annointed when the person didn't push him away makes me think the narrator of the song has a large case of self-loathing.

But anyhow, he lost this person and now he's regretting it. I don't think the person died, really. I think maybe what happened was he didn't show them how much he truly cared, so they didn't know they wre his soulmate (As much as that word totally makes me gag)

But now he's looking back on it like one looks on a forgotten age. He's locked out the regrets, locked it out of his mind, but they're closing in, "The wolves in the hall"

And I think he's looking back at this whole relationship and wishing he'd told the person that he cared as much as he did.. "Something that was true."

And he won't get them back, Sword stuck into waiting stone...

Anyhow, just my two cents.

I agree with you, I just wanted to add that the sword is in the waiting stone, still warm. Somebody tried to pull it out, and failed. The sword in the stone metaphor is that the chosen one will be able to effortlessly lift the sword from the stone, and someone in this song is clearly not the chosen one. This all happens in the lost age, which suggests that this song refers to an event that happened a long time ago.

I'm not sure I agree that the person is dead.

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