Lyric discussion by Zenmanship 

This song really strikes a chord with me.. The Lyrics

"When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse Out of the corner of my eye I turned to look but it was gone I cannot put my finger on it now The child is grown The dream is gone"

Sometimes i feel EXACTLY that way... "I caught a fleeting glimpse.. The child is grown.... the dream is gone." and i just want to cry... not soft tears but a stream of heavy and loud sobs...until i cannot cry anymore...... but i don't know why.....


I have always thought that was the saddest line in music. The first time I heard it I stopped the car and wrote it down so I would remember it.

We all had dreams when we were young about what we would be and who we would become -- we caught fleeting glimpses out of the corners of our eyes. But now they're gone and we've become comfortably numb.

And I cry heavy and loud sobs too, Zen.

Almost any song lyric about leaving childhood behind makes me cry. I think it's the worst tragedy that most children can't wait to be adults, then reach adulthood and realize it's much worse than childhood. (For most people, anyway. Perhaps adults who had abusive families would say otherwise.)

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