Lyric discussion by PaulAnka 

"Punched my cigarette" is a reference to Dylan's manager, Albert Grossman, who smoked his cigarettes using an unorthodox fist-grip. I read this in the excellent book "The Mansion On the Hill" by Fred Goodman. This book describes the birth of the modern music industry, focusing on the business side of the rises of Neil Young, Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen.

@PaulAnka One must be careful in ascribing direct meaning from a life experience. As described above, the old song about the railroad men is very influential. Dylan was extremely aware of folk music and its traditions. I agree that the image of Grossman and cigarettes, from what I've read, probably came to Dylan as he was writing this verse. The potency of the image probably appealed to him. Is it about Grossman? I doubt it. The image was useful to inform the lyric and Dylan most likely drew upon it for resonant power. But the artist has broader...

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