Lyric discussion by aaaaaali 

I think this song is completely religious, and about God. I like the second verse best, because it's the most difficult. It's saying that the human race is good by nature (And see him as matter, matter of fact he’s not a beast/But oh not the devil either/He’s always a good deed doer). He backs this up by saying that it's laughter that we're making after all. By that, I think he means that we strive for laughter, and goodness, and good things. He then goes on to say that the call of the wild is still in order nationwide. I think that by that he means that there's a call for a utopia, (world peace, perfect world, you know the deal). the next line perplexes me, but if i had to guess that he's comparing our politics to that of animals.... saying that our politicians are corrupt maybe? The next two lines are about God, and how the congregations sing to him and praise him and tell him how much they love him. I also have to say that I like the second stanza. It's basically saying, so what if life itself is an illusion? Life is a GREAT gift, and we should live high. :)

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