Lyric discussion by walkinjingle 

Awesome song...I don't believe it's backwards at all, though but forwards.

REEFPADLER and PJ10 have it. He's driving around shitfaced "I assassin down the avenue" and visits is ex, drunkenly reminiscing about their time together, the city lights "blinking" at him.

"Let's forget about the toung-tied lightening/ let's undress just like cross-eyed strangers" as she smiles pathetically at him.

She ends up giving in and he stays over and "then I fell asleep and the city kept blinking"

He wakes up feeling shitty and regretful (and she too, probably) but all he can think of is that childish desire to be the winner: "I was trying to break your heart" when in fact it was his heart (too?) that was broken.

The sound blips and erratic drum beats connote that drunken feeling. It's a sad, beautiful song.

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