Lyric discussion by sonne_mond 

in the original context of THIRTEENTH STEP, which was basically a concept album dealing with drugs and addiction, the song PET was meant to be sung by a drug to the addicted person - it had nothing to do with keenan's son. if you read the lyrics with this in mind you will see that it makes perfect sense.

here the lyrics are given a political meaning. it is about how george bush would like to get the people of america to stay out of any politial business and to let him act like he pleases since he cannot defend or justify his actions anyway - because they are firstly simply not right and therefore unjustifiable and secondly because mr bush's ability to express himself is more than clumsy.

mr bush is the father singing to his son, the people of amrica. "step away from the window/go back to sleep" means don't look at what is going on outside. it is not your concern. mind your own business and go back to sleep. sleep is here seen as a state of unawareness.

the government declares this attitude to be right and necesarry to protect the people of their enemies, trheir demons and of the voice of reason, the voice that tells the truh about mr bush's highly questionable decisions.

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