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Let Go Lyrics

Drink up, baby, down
Are you in or are you out?
Leave your things behind
Cause it's all going off without you
Excuse me, too busy
You're writing your tragedy
These mishaps
You bubble wrap
When you've no idea what you're like

So let go, let go
Jump in
Oh well, whatcha waiting for?
It's alright
Cause there's beauty in the breakdown

So let go, let go
Just get in
Oh, it's so amazing here
It's alright
Cause there's beauty in the breakdown

It gains the more it gives
And it rises with the fall
So hand me that remote
Can't you see that all that stuff's a sideshow?
Such boundless pleasure
We've no time for later now
You can't await your own arrival
You have twenty seconds to comply

So let go, let go
Jump in
Oh well, whatcha waiting for?
It's alright
Cause there's beauty in the breakdown

So let go, let go
Just get in
Oh, it's so amazing here
It's alright
Cause there's beauty in the breakdown
200 Meanings
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"theres beauty in the breakdown.."

i think this perfectly describes what makes people human. when people "break down" or have a emotional breakdown it is usually over a tradgedy or sadness of some kind. there is a strange beauty in this, because the heart of humanity is our emotions. although it can seem like the world is ending, when you feel like you cant sink any lower, just remember this: in order to feel that level of devastation, you had to have experienced something very very wonderful. be glad that it happened. there is truly beauty in that.

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oh man, this is such a pretty song. i saw it in a garden state preview.

and it reminded me of my love for bubblewrap.

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it made me want to dance in front of a fireplace

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I like to think of the song in the more specific context of a relationship, rather than life in general: You have someone holding back, not wanting to commit, and specifically scared of the possible pain in store. This is a defense mechanism (bubble-wrap), probably based on previous experience. Thats where the most beautiful lyric ("cause there's beauty in the breakdown") fits in: you break down these barriers or defenses, and give love a chance. Thats the beauty.

Further encouraging, "it gains the more it gives" I felt referred to the old "it is better to give than recieve" saying, rather than in part of an evils-of-television metaphor.

Finally, [with a nerdy grin], I'd like to point out the scientific relevance of "there's beauty in the breakdown". Energy, fire, explosions, etc are produced by breaking chemical and nuclear bonds. Intended metaphor?...


On the other side of it, though, I also see someone wallowing in the sadness of a loss or a breakup or something they treasured. As you feel alone, hitting bottom, sadness overtaking....

the artist is saying once you let all that go you'll find its' great in here...and that there is beauty in your breakdown, what you're going through is ok...life will go on and you're beautiful for what you have been going through.

It's a positive message about feeling pain and that you will get through it and life will be good again. That's what...

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This song is such a great song. What I took from it helped through some hard times and it still continues to contribute a great deal to my life. My take on this song is that overall it's a way of letting people know that not every mistake or let down you go through will have a negative outcome. In fact, the experiences you go through in life no matter how bad they are can only help you to learn and grow and help you find the person you are and discover the person you want to be. "there's beauty in the breakdown" are words that I choose to live by. No matter how hard life gets, don't be afraid to let go because inside the hardships you'll find something that is worth all the pain. People get so caught up in the bad that they don't attempt to find the good in everything. I'm a person who believes in always trying to find the positive things in life. There are people who try to challenge me by saying that not everything in life is good and they tell me that I shouldn't always expect everything to turn out the way I want it to, because if I do i'll always get let down. I, however, refuse to take their advice, simply because I believe that all things in life CAN have a positive outcome if you make the attempt to find it. All the joy and happiness in the world and in one's life definetely out weighs the bad, the pain, the heartbreak, the loss, and the all the tragedy that people endure. "just get in oh its so amazing here" means be a part of the world where people can always find beauty in the breakdown, where there will always be a happy ending, even when the prince dies, and castle crumbles to the ground. Not everything in life is like a fairy tale but it's up to you to create your own story, that contains only what YOU want it to. This song is so powerful. I think that this song will help me get far in life. It already has helped me through so much, and ultimately has helped me to discover the person I want to be, and what I want to contribute to the world.
There's Beauty In The Breakdown -Cyn

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i think this song is about failure and beauty in not succedding their is more to learn i think if u fail than if u accomplish

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To me this song is about allowing yourself to be where you are, whatever that might look like. Wether it's crying your eyes out when you're upset, screaming your lungs out, getting angry at another and expressing it instead of holding it inside, Its so hard for us to allow ourselves to do this. We are afraid of being truly self-expressed because we fear we'll "look bad" or others won't approve or won't like us anymore. When we let go and just allow ourselves to be with all that "ugly" stuff inside we come out of it knowing ourselves much better. We rise with our fall. You can't have breakthroughs in life without first allowing yourself room for the breakdown.

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There are only a few songs that can submit such radical emotions from someone. For me, this is one of those songs. One moment I can be happy and like "prodigal sunscreen" stated, this could be one of the best makeout songs ever. In another moment, this can be one of the most beautiful and peaceful songs you can listen to. If a song can stir up memories and emotions within you, than you know it is a good song.

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"drink up baby down" is like when you take a shot before doing something that will involve courage. "too bust writing your tragedy" is being to caught up in the depressing things that have happened. "these mishaps you bubble wrap" means your spending all your time trying to protect something and worrying too much. "when you've no idea what you're like" because the person is so lost they always try to protect themselves. "so jump in let go" start living your life and dont worry. "cause there's beauty in the breakdown" the emotions even sadness are so important to being human. "it gains" you learn "the more it gives" the more your emotions give way. "all that stuffs a sideshow" tv is not the main attraction. "you can't await your own arrival" means you cant wait any moment in life, you have to live.

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I love this song. First heard it like most people from the Garden State film, which was amazing. But the rest of her music seems to be just as good.

A great artist.

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