Blue Jay Way Lyrics
And my friends have lost their way
"We'll be over soon," they said
Now they've lost themselves instead.
Please don't be long, please don't you be very long
Please don't be long or I may be asleep
Well it only goes to show
And I told them where to go
Ask a policeman on the street
There's so many there to meet
Please don't be long, please don't you be very long
Please don't be long or I may be asleep
Now it's past my bed I know
And I'd really like to go
Soon it will be the break of day
Sitting here in Blue Jay Way
Please don't be long, please don't you be very long
Please don't be long or I may be asleep
Please don't be long, please don't you be very long
Please don't be long, please don't be long
Please don't you be very long
Please don't be long
Please don't be long
Please don't you be very long
Please don't be long
Don't be long, don't be long, don't be long
Don't be long, don't be long, don't be long

My older brothers played The Beatles a lot when I was but a wee one, and this song scared the everliving crap out of me. There's the ominous sound of the effects on George's voice, the fairly sinister sound of all the reversed and chopped up instruments and backup vocals, and the lyrics pleading, pleading, pleading not to be left alone in this place. Somehow this song manages to suggest everything terrifying about being lost or alone without implying the existence of any malicious entity or even anything dangerous. It still grabs at something that connects me to that childlike panic-steeped helplessness of being left.

This song was written by George in BLUE JAY WAY, the name of a house (or road i can't remember) in L.A. which he was staying in at the time. The other Beatles were on their way to meet with him, but got lost on the way, and George was left waiting for some time. It was while waiting for them that the song was written

I feel like this song has a deeper meaning than the outside story of losing friends and being alone. In all the verses of Please - don't - be - long, some of them are actually, - please, don't belong. As in a fear of losing individualism from a large city like L.A.s social influence. The socialist state and the need for police enforcement signifies the turmoil of losing one's self in such madness. The other Beatles were probably out partying in L.A. while George was back at a hotel tripping his face off writing this.

Personally I believe that Gorge BJW was a very cool and sensual song. I don't believe venusinfurs really knows about music!

A sense of non belonging is the atmosphere of this so gorgeous song... once I was lost in London and felt something like [whoah, have to tell ya God Shuffle has put that song on my iPod!]... like to be a strange in a stranger land. Don't you feel like that?

Oh yeah, I remember! Now, I read on wikipedia it was about not the band members but some visitors getting literally lost on their way to the house, but the first time I heard the song, I read it differently (but I wasn't completely aware of all the lyrics in the rest of the song). The fog wasn't just literal but figurative. The band is in the house, in America, and they take LSD, but there's a dark side to LSD, too, and they have these self doubts and personal demons. "And my friends have lost their way," is about, basically, George is reflecting upon how the other members of the band are a little lost, with whatever strange new revelations the drug or whatever brings. So the first two lines are the setting of the song story. And I don't know what the rest of the song would be, this strange plea or something.

Best heard with earphones:
"we'll be over soon they said" "love you"
"now they've lost themselves instead" "need you"
"Well it only goes to show" "we need many to end this war"

This song is so amazing. just the atmosphere it creates is great. You feel like there's a fog hanging around you. not necessarily a bad fog, but just like, you can think when you here this song, because you're surrounded by fog on your own little island, and no one can reach you.

this song always reminds me of acid-accentuated separation anxiety. "where did my friends go? are they alright? why did they leave me? why am I not being included? and why am I stuck here waiting for them?"
It can be a bit terrifying, but also incredibly enlightening.
You start to notice so much more when you're alone.

...if i recall corectly BJW was a hotel but nevertheless...this song is trippy as hell but you have to admit its watered down and was a pathetic attempt at capturing the listener's mind...leave george to the folk pop shit...john is as psychedelic as they come...wdc