41 Meanings
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Hot for Teacher Lyrics

"Oh wow, man!
Wait a second man. Whaddaya think the teacher's gonna look like this year?"

Teacher stop that screaming
Teacher don't you see?
Don't wanna be no uptown fool
Maybe I should go to hell
But I'm doin' well
Teacher needs to see me after school

I think of all the education that I missed
But then, my homework was never quite like this

Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad
I'm hot for teacher
I've got it bad, so bad
I'm hot for teacher

"Hey, I heard you missed us, we're back!"
I brought my pencil
Gimme something to write on, man"

I heard about your lessons
But lessons are so cold
I know about this school
Little girl from Cherry Lane
How can you be so bold
How did you know that golden rule

I think of all the education that I missed
But then, my homework was never quite like this

Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad
I'm hot for teacher
I've got it bad, so bad
I'm hot for teacher

"Oh man, I think the clock is slow
I don't feel tardy
Class dismissed"

I've got it bad, got it bad, got it bad
I'm hot for teacher
Song Info
Lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc.
Alex Van Halen, Edward Van Halen, David Roth
Ted Templeman
Release date
Submitted by
rrhoadsfan On Mar 15, 2002
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41 Meanings

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Cover art for Hot for Teacher lyrics by Van Halen

There was this teacher at my high school that a lot of boys liked. she got fired for "inappropriate conduct" with teenage boys and now 8 years later she just got arrested for having sex with a 10 year old boy. Now every time I hear this song I think of her and feel kinda queasy thinking of how "hot for teacher" can go so horribly wrong.

Cover art for Hot for Teacher lyrics by Van Halen

I would love to tell my my boss that I don't feel tardy. That would be sweet.

Cover art for Hot for Teacher lyrics by Van Halen


I read somewhere that this song was actually inspired by one of the band member's high school teacher. Is this true? If so...was it David's, Eddie's, Alex's, or Michael's?

Thanks :)

Cover art for Hot for Teacher lyrics by Van Halen

It's a fantasy that the high school guys joke around about. Probably a normal every day event and nothing exceedingly twisted about it. The song is not meant to be about an actual incident of a teacher and high-school student having sex. I do agree with Pippin on what the "pencil" is meant to be, but it's just a boy's perverted joke or thought.

Cover art for Hot for Teacher lyrics by Van Halen

LoL, this song is AMAZING. Its SUCH a good cruising song. The goofy nature of the song is so awesome because Eddie just shreds like crazy. David Lee Roth may not be the greatest singer, but its SO good for this song. Amazing song!

Cover art for Hot for Teacher lyrics by Van Halen

I've heard that the drums in the beginning were mic'ed and mixed to sound like the enging of a top-fuel funny car. I guess it does kinda sound like one....

Kick ass song, and one of the all time classic videos. What male in his 30's doesn't remember that teacher ripping off her shirt and dancing on the desk? Great stuff.

Cover art for Hot for Teacher lyrics by Van Halen

Every time I play this song, I'm reminded of my senior year in high school and my Spanish teacher. She was 30, and she had the most incredible ass on the face of this planet!! I think I'll look her up...

Cover art for Hot for Teacher lyrics by Van Halen

David Lee Roth not being the greatest singer? What a load of shit! He has an amazing voice, and he initiated what lead singers are supposed to do: He's an ultimate showman with a powerhouse of a voice. That's what I have to say about that.

Cover art for Hot for Teacher lyrics by Van Halen

Man, the drum intro by Alex VH is really nice, though the opening of it sounds a bit dry, in my opinion. Anyway, the whole brilliantness with the rest of the song covers this up with gigantic proportions, and Eddie VH's guitar intro/solo/outro and David LR's spoken lyrics between the verses and choruses are simply so damn awesome. Man, I'm in love with this song in replacement for a teacher. :D

Cover art for Hot for Teacher lyrics by Van Halen

When I first heard the song, I thought the part "hey, I brought my pencil! Give me something to write on!" was just supposed to be a kid acting rude (like kids will) to the teacher. Except then I listened to it a second time, and it dawned on me: that was a sexual reference. The "pencil" is a phallic symbol; given this idea, I think we all know what exactly it is he wants to "write on". Does anyone else think I'm correct in this?