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We're Not Gonna Take It Lyrics

Welcome to the camp
I guess you all know why we're here
My name is Tommy
And I became aware this year
If you want to follow me
You've got play pinball
And put in your earplugs, put on your eyeshades
You know where to put the cork

Hey you, getting drunk,
So sorry, I've got you sussed
Hey you, smoking mother nature
This is a bust
Hey, "I'm uphold, Mr. Normal"
Don't try to gain my trust
'Cause you ain't gonna follow me in any of those ways
Although you think you must

We're not gonna take it

We're not gonna take it
Never did, and never will
We're not gonna take it
Gonna brake it
Gonna shake it
Let's forget it, better still

Now you can't hear me
Your ears are truly sealed
You can't speak neither
Your mouth is filled
You can't see nothing
And pinball completes the scene
Here comes Uncle Ernie to guide you to
Your very own machine

We're not gonna take it

We're not gonna take it
Never did and never will
Don't want no religion
And as far as we can tell
We ain't gonna take you
Never did and never will
We're not gonna take you
We forsake you
Gonna rape you
Let's forget you, better still

We forsake you
Gonna rape you
Let's forget you, better still

See me, feel me, touch me, heal me
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me

Listening to you, I get the music
Gazing at you, I get the heat
Following you, I climb the mountains
I get excitement at your feet

Right behind you, I see the millions
On you, I see the glory
From you, I get opinions
From you, I get the story
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19 Meanings

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Cover art for We're Not Gonna Take It lyrics by Who, The

Can someone tell me what happens here? i dont understand why they revolted and what does the last verses mean..

Cover art for We're Not Gonna Take It lyrics by Who, The

i think it's about organized religion in general. tommy's loyal followers revolt when they realize that tommy wants to regulate them by not letting them smoke or drink, and control them by inhibiting their sight, speech, and hearing. i think it's safe to say the message of this song is anti-religious.

Cover art for We're Not Gonna Take It lyrics by Who, The

See Me Feel Me is a beautiful song. I think its a shame that it is attached to We're not gonna take it. I don't know how it was intended, as I'm not fan of the entire ablum. But if taken alone, it makes a great love song. "listening to you i get the music"

Cover art for We're Not Gonna Take It lyrics by Who, The

i love the album....but the end is kinda odd......but anyone who has listened to the album as a whole might think that when the verses of see me feel me comes on it symbolises his inability to see, hear or speak......so perhaps the emotional shock of his disciples revolt sends him into his state of disability once again......

Cover art for We're Not Gonna Take It lyrics by Who, The

i love the album....but the end is kinda odd......but anyone who has listened to the album as a whole might think that when the verses of see me feel me comes on it symbolises his inability to see, hear or speak......so perhaps the emotional shock of his disciples revolt sends him into his state of disability once again......

Cover art for We're Not Gonna Take It lyrics by Who, The

the album is about finding out who you are and wanting to revult about it. This song sums up the aftermath.

Cover art for We're Not Gonna Take It lyrics by Who, The

As the finale of the story it seems that from Sensation to I'm Free the honest revelation of Tommy is pure I find the line in I'm Free "no one had the guts to leave the temple" that people are not living the intended mission. Like many religious that go to a house of worship then treat people like sh*t -- missing the revealation of their messiah. The next few song demonstrate the loss of the mission "Come to my house -- seems that getting the numbers of worshipers to "be one of us" build a bigger and bigger house of worship kinda like the Megachurches that are popular these days. The holiday camp is further commercialization and perversion (Uncle Ernie) of Tommys message. Finally the people realize that they have been duped!

Cover art for We're Not Gonna Take It lyrics by Who, The

this is another one of my favorite songs from it.

watching the movie helsp a lot. tommy pretty much turns into a dictator, controlling all the followers "put on your eyeshades, put in your eyeplugs, you know where to put the cork" to become like him, and the they revolt.

still not sure abvout the see me feel me/listening to you part but it sure is the perfect end to the alubm.


Cover art for We're Not Gonna Take It lyrics by Who, The

See Me Feel Me has to do with what happens after the revolt. Once Tommy's followers revolt, Tommy returns to his deaf, dumb and blind state. It's quite a tragic end in my opinion. This boy witnessed a murder and his parents put him into this condition, he's finally cured, and then relapses back into his old state.

But the Woodstock performance of See Me Feel Me is one of the greatest moments in rock.

Cover art for We're Not Gonna Take It lyrics by Who, The

Tommy doesn't actually lose his sight, speech and hearing again at the end. The meaning of "See me, feel me/Listening to you" is a symbolic isolation rather than a literal deafness and blindness. This isolation is actually worse than the first one- "We forsake you Gonna rape you Let's forget you, better still".