7 Meanings
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Little Fluffy Clouds Lyrics

What were the skies like when you were young?

They went on forever
And they -- when I
We lived in Arizona
And the skies always had little fluffy clouds
And they were long and clear
And there were lots of stars, at night
And when it rained it would all turn
It -- they were beautiful
The most beautiful skies as a matter of fact
The sunsets were purple and red
And yellow and on fire
And the clouds would catch the colors everywhere
That's -- it's neat
Because I used to look at them all the time
When I was little
You don't see that

Layering different sounds on top of each other
Layering different sounds on top of each other

Little fluffy clouds
Little fluffy clouds and
Little fluffy clouds and
Little fluffy clouds and

You don't see that
You might still see them in the desert

The most beautiful skies as a matter of fact
Purple and red
Purple and red and yellow and on fire
Song Info
Submitted by
dev0n On Jan 13, 2002
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7 Meanings

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Cover art for Little Fluffy Clouds lyrics by Orb, The

No comments yet huh? Well this was apparently sampled from an interview of Rickie Lee Jones by Levar Burton for The Reading Rainbow kids show. She was supposedly obviously under the influence of some sort of hallucinogen(maybe shrooms or LSD) and continued to ramble about the beautiful colors of the skies as she remembered them from her childhood. On a side-note I think there Pat Metheny and Ennio Morricone are also sampled in the song. Plus it gets bonus points for being in a VW commercial. The Orb's album OFOrb is one of the best albums EVER.

Cover art for Little Fluffy Clouds lyrics by Orb, The

the official word from Rickie Lee Jones is that she wasn't high, she had a cold (and a fever, i suppose). she would say that, though, wouldn't she?

Cover art for Little Fluffy Clouds lyrics by Orb, The

my favourite song ever? as fluffy as fluff can be...

Cover art for Little Fluffy Clouds lyrics by Orb, The

I love this song. To me, at least, it is about beauty and freedom. It is about seeing or being somewhere where everything is at peace or where you personally find peace, but maybe other people don't.

Cover art for Little Fluffy Clouds lyrics by Orb, The

High or cold

For me she sounds sad and nostalgic, and like she just been crying

Cover art for Little Fluffy Clouds lyrics by Orb, The

The genius of this song is only matched by its parody, Alan Parker's Grey Fluffy Clouds.

Cover art for Little Fluffy Clouds lyrics by Orb, The

On a more obvious level, I think this has a lot to say about the people we "look up to" in modern society. Just the fact that she [allegedly] showed up at an interview on drugs shows extremely bad taste. I think we need to examine famous people, in this case Jones, before we decide we are going to emulate them.

incredibly dumb comment.

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@Person117 And Captain Buzzkill strikes again . . . .