Shit Towne Lyrics
the crackheads, they live down the street from me
the tall grass makes it hard to see
beyond my property
hey man, this is criminal,
this hard line symmetry of people and pets
we keep to ourselves
the mailman visits each of us in turn
we don't bother anyone
we keep to ourselves
the mailman visits each of us in time
in shit towne
gotta live, gotta live, gotta live
in our town.

well, i saw these guys in Milwaukee at summerfest, and they said they didnt mean milwaukee...

Just LOVE this song! My 11 year old Son & i rock to this song with fake drummin & the air-guitars!!! & yep it also discribes my town..although we dont live near the son sings SHIP town :) cute! Peace..Love & Happiness :)

It's about York, PA, their hometown. check it out:
Live mends fences with hometown, to play two concerts YORK, Pa. (AP) — One of the biggest rock bands of the 1990s has mended fences with its hometown. Live, which reached No. 1 on the Billboard Top 200 album chart with the 1994 release “Throwing Copper,” will play its 20th anniversary show Friday at the Strand Theatre and will return Sept. 11 for a concert at the York Fair. The quartet of singer Ed Kowalczyk, bassist Patrick Dahlheimer, drummer Chad Gracey and guitarist Chad Taylor has had icy relations with York, a small city in southcentral Pennsylvania. In the late 1980s, the band, then known as Public Affection, was allegedly booed off the York Fair’s stage during a battle-of-the-bands event. On “Throwing Copper,” Live included an unflattering song about its hometown, whose title consisted of the word “town” tacked to an expletive. In a recent interview, Taylor said the band hadn’t played in the York area since the early 1990s, when it appeared before a small audience at York College. The Strand show sold out on May 29, one day after tickets went on sale. With a show in September, Live fans who weren’t able to score tickets for the Strand will have another chance to see the band. “We feel that it’s all working out for the better,” said Cres Ottemiller, the fair’s musical director. “For all parties — the Strand, Live and us.” ——— Information from: York Daily Record,

i like how they write about their home town like that.also how the events surrounding the meaning of the song show that ppl change and live had the balls to go back to their town. on a more poetic stance the 1st verse shows how -in the US- we try to seclude ourselves from others with property lines and 'hard line symmetry'. i don know if ed meant it to reach out that far in the meaning but i can be sure he wanted listeners to relate to this type of mindset......

Yeah, gisela is right. I'm from York, and saw them at the York Fair a year or two ago where they admitted it was about York, even though everyone knew.

this song is about York, PA, but it describes many towns in PA. mine being one, for sure. the crackheads live down the street from me...

Query - What are Weavers? Is it a surname of someone from York or is it some sort of slang word which hasn't made it's way across the pond yet?
Real easy song to play on guitar btw. I looked up the chords at 5pm last night and had the whole song down by 5:15. Love this song. If you get the chance, go on youtube and watch some live performances of this song - it's all good.
Another possibility--there are several companies that produce woven products, which would be called "__ Weavers".
Another possibility--there are several companies that produce woven products, which would be called "__ Weavers".
Another possibility--there are several companies in York that produce woven products, which would be called "__ Weavers".
Another possibility--there are several companies in York that produce woven products, which would be called "__ Weavers".

This is my town. It describes it perfectly.

Mine too!!! lol i swear!!

Come on, I dont believe any of that, dont be so sure. Hasn't anybody ever heard of the Ruby Ridge Incident? Well the song provides quite an astonishing relationship. The words describe the situation, and the movie created for it nicely.