Little Talks Lyrics
So hold my hand, I'll walk with you my dear
It's keeping me awake
It's the house telling you to close your eyes
It's killing me to see you this way
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
That's holding me back
Well tell her that I miss our little talks
We used to play outside when we were young
And full of life and full of love
Your mind is playing tricks on you my dear
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
Don't listen to a word I say
The screams all sound the same
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
I watched you disappear
All that's left is a ghost of you
Now we're torn, torn, torn apart,
there's nothing we can do,
Just let me go, we'll meet again soon
I'll see you when I fall asleep
Don't listen to a word I say
The screams all sound the same
this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
Don't listen to a word I say
The screams all sound the same
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
Nanna Hilmarsdóttir and Ragnar Þórhallsson wrote 'Little Talks'
Nanna Hilmarsdóttir and Ragnar Þórhallsson wrote 'Little Talks'
'Little Talks' was released on 12/20/2011
'Little Talks' was released on 12/20/2011

This song is defenatly going back and fourth between a man and a woman. The woman is feeling lost without the one she loves, but she doesn't know that the one she loves still remembers her and cares about her. Before he left, he used to make the world better for her, and their little talks are what she remembers about him and how he used to make her feel whole. In reality, the man does care about her and wants to comfort her as much as he can.
@kitty1306 Yes indeed its about a couple. The man has passed away and the woman is being reminded of him with every small thing coming across. The husbands ghost asking her to be strong. Although "the truth may vary this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore" .. We will eventually meet
@kitty1306 Yes indeed its about a couple. The man has passed away and the woman is being reminded of him with every small thing coming across. The husbands ghost asking her to be strong. Although "the truth may vary this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore" .. We will eventually meet
@kitty1306 Ok--no healthy person doesn't remember/forgets a past lover unless they have alzheimer's.
@kitty1306 Ok--no healthy person doesn't remember/forgets a past lover unless they have alzheimer's.
Lol. Actually, you don't really forget anyone unless you only talked to them once, & even then if you are reminded of them I wonder about someone's brain if they honestly don't remember them.
Lol. Actually, you don't really forget anyone unless you only talked to them once, & even then if you are reminded of them I wonder about someone's brain if they honestly don't remember them.

I got the eerie feeling that the husband passed away but continued watching her as a ghost.
The empty house she is referring to is the fact that he is not there. Notice, he is the one constantly responding to her, implying he can hear her, but she can't hear him.
The just overall calmness implies to me that they are not arguing with each other.
The girl is trying to forget him and move on, but keeps having thoughts of him throughout the day, until finally she cracks and they realize they are better off without each other, or will see each other later.
not to mention i think the lyrics are written incorrectly.
"you've gone gone gone away
i watched you dissapear.
all thats left is a ghost of you
now we're torn torn torn apart,
theres nothing we can do.
just let me go, and [we'll] meet again soon."
yes they're from Iceland look up Norse religion
yes they're from Iceland look up Norse religion
Cause though the truth may vary This ship will carry Our bodies safe to shore
Cause though the truth may vary This ship will carry Our bodies safe to shore
I agree. The husband has died. She sees him in her dreams, but wishes he would let her go for now to make her life easier, as they will meet again soon in the afterlife.
I agree. The husband has died. She sees him in her dreams, but wishes he would let her go for now to make her life easier, as they will meet again soon in the afterlife.
Very haunting song. Having only just heard it for the first time last night, it captured me immediately. Catchy tune, but the use of acoustic guitars fits perfectly. Sad, but very nice tolisten to.
Very haunting song. Having only just heard it for the first time last night, it captured me immediately. Catchy tune, but the use of acoustic guitars fits perfectly. Sad, but very nice tolisten to.
Hit the nail on the head, i was thinking exactly the same (I think the many incorrect lyrics aren't helping sadly)
Hit the nail on the head, i was thinking exactly the same (I think the many incorrect lyrics aren't helping sadly)

To me this song, just the way it sounds, is way too beautiful to be about a failing marriage or just sleeping. I think it's about an old couple that have been so in love for so many years. They both know that the other isn't in the same place mentally as they once were so they just cling to each other for comfort.
When people get older they don't always know why they feel the way the do or why they say the things they say, but the constant in this couple is the love they have for each other. The music from the start has a kind of old-timey feel almost like they are remembering their past and trying to comfort each other in their confusing present.
The husband tries to comfort his wife, as it is just the two of them in the house. You can picture them in laying in bed while the wife talks to her husband how she is scared of falling asleep.
"I don't like walking around this old and empty house (Wife) So hold my hand, I'll walk with you my dear (Husband) The stairs creak as I sleep, it's keeping me awake (Wife) It's the house telling you to close your eyes (Husband)"
I think they are both aware of how old they are getting and the wife is showing that sometimes she doesn't want to sleep for fear of not waking up. The husband likely feels the same way, but he holds his wife's hand and tries to comfort her anyway.
The chorus shows the overlying message that with their old age they can't always trust where their minds are at. But their love (the ship) will lead them to an eternity of being together.
"Don't listen to a word I say The screams all sound the same 'Cause though the truth may vary This ship will carry Our bodies safe to shore"
In the next verse it is the wife who is again letting the thought of old age scare her. The husband is trying to tell her to remember the good times so that he can be around the woman he loves again.
"There's an old voice in my head that's holding me back (Wife) Tell her that I miss our little talks (Husband) Soon it will all be over, buried with our past (Wife) We used to play outside when we were young, and full of live and full of love (Husband)"
The husband doesn't want things to change, he just wants to be with the woman he loves without her worrying about things that they can't control. She talks about how it will soon be over (death) and she can't get over the fact that they have both aged so quickly. The chorus again establishes that no matter what the two are together through love.
The last verse is sung together. The husband and wife admit that both have changed and neither are what they were when they were young. They kind of accept death here, and say that either way they will "meet again soon" and be able to enjoy each other more without the looming fear of death.
"You're gone gone gone away I watch you disappear All that's left is a ghost of you Now we're torn torn torn apart, there's nothing we can do Just let me go, we'll meet again soon"
Here I picture what would happen if someone asked for death and were about to get their wish. You would get scared. You think you're ready for it but no one can ever be ready to die really. There is so much uncertainty, no matter what religion you hold. There is a quick switch from "let me go" to "wait wait wait". They want to spend an eternity together without having to suffer through old age but they aren't sure if that's what will happen. How could you leave the person you love behind physically to be with them in a better life spiritually? It would be a hard thing to do.
"Now wait wait wait for me Please hang around I'll see you when I fall asleep"
"I'll see you when I fall asleep" here pertains to passing on. They both want the other to wait and they want to make sure they find each other.
This is one of the most genuinely beautiful, real, and sad songs I've ever listened to. I know this is just my interpretation of it but it makes a lot of sense to me. If you've ever been in love you know how much it means. It sounds stupid but "the love of your life" is really your life. That person that you don't want to spend a day without seeing and hugging and just being around.
In this story, the two old people are at the end of their ropes and they know it. They are so so in love and now they have to deal with the frustration of old age and the uncertainty that death will bring with them. They hope they both end up together in the end "This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore". The "Little Talks" they have in some of their final days, the first two verses where the husband tries to comfort the wife, is kind of a closure for the both of them. We have these little talks everyday with the people we love, but they are more lighthearted because feel our tomorrow is a given.
This song makes me smile and cry at the same time. Well done Of Monsters and Men. That is what good music should do.
Oh my gosh, you couldn't be more right! Everything in this song points out to this interpretation. BTW, i figured out the the "truth" may be what comes after death, because we all have doubts: does god exist? is there a heaven? do we sleep forever, or do we just vague around the world as a ghost?
Oh my gosh, you couldn't be more right! Everything in this song points out to this interpretation. BTW, i figured out the the "truth" may be what comes after death, because we all have doubts: does god exist? is there a heaven? do we sleep forever, or do we just vague around the world as a ghost?
so the "truth" about what will happen to them afterwards is not known by them at all, but they know that either way they will stay together (the ship will carry their bodies safe to shore)
so the "truth" about what will happen to them afterwards is not known by them at all, but they know that either way they will stay together (the ship will carry their bodies safe to shore)
i also agree. my post would be a lot longer had it not been for your post putting forth much of the same ideas.
i also agree. my post would be a lot longer had it not been for your post putting forth much of the same ideas.
I don't like walking around this old and empty house So hold my hand, I'll walk with you my dear (metaphor for all of there friends being gone, and the loneliness it brings, followed by the reminder by the husband that equates to "what am i chopped liver?")
I don't like walking around this old and empty house So hold my hand, I'll walk with you my dear (metaphor for all of there friends being gone, and the loneliness it brings, followed by the reminder by the husband that equates to "what am i chopped liver?")
The stairs creak as I sleep, it's keeping me awake It's the house telling you to close your eyes (my body is full of aches and pains duh we...
The stairs creak as I sleep, it's keeping me awake It's the house telling you to close your eyes (my body is full of aches and pains duh we are really old)
Some days I can't even trust myself It's killing me to see you this way (mentally i am not what i once was but i am still with it enough to notice i know and it saddens me) 'Cause though the truth may vary This ship will carry Our bodies safe to shore (i may miss remember the facts/ we may disagree on the facts i will always love you our relationship is steadfast )
There's an old voice in my head that's holding me back I tell her that I miss our little talks (the memory of me in my hay day bothers me because i am not that person any more i know i morn that fact) Soon it will all be over, buried with our past You used to play outside when you were young, Full of life and full of love (our time here is at an end ah yes but think of all we did and all the joy)
Some days I feel like I am wrong and I am right Your mind is playing tricks on you my dear (again a reference to mental acuity and losing faith in it)
You're gone gone gone away I watch you disappear All that's left is a ghost of you (you not who you once were i watched your fall from greatness you are a shell of the former you) Now we're torn torn torn apart, there's nothing we can do Just let me go, we'll meet again soon (when one is aware of their own decline often there is anger and frustration this means fighting, some times people need to spend time a way from those they love to see the problem isnt the other person) Now wait wait wait for me Please hang around I see you when I fall asleep (this clearly can be taken one of 2 ways the first being what you noted the first being about the eternal sleep that you noted. the second a much less dramatic possibility being the person is talking to the memory of their loved one from a better time )
Hey! Don't listen to a word I say Hey! The screams all sound the same Hey! (again this goes back to being frustrated and fighting with those you love and how it is not their fault) 'Cause though the truth may vary This ship will carry Our bodies safe to shore
All in all this is about the decay of old age. watch the first season of boston legal namely the interactions between Denny Crane and Allen Shore, and you see this theme played out there too.
Wow, no words. Just so beautiful :'-)
Wow, no words. Just so beautiful :'-)

"It's about a couple and the husband passed away and it's from the conversation between the two of them. We don't know if she's going crazy or if someone's actually there."

I think that this song is most certainly about a woman who has lost her partner and she is struggling to come to terms with his death.
"Some days I can't even dress myself" is her expressing how she is struggling to cope with life without him, in my mind she is contemplating suicide.
"Though the truth may vary, this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore" "the truth may vary" Possibly, questioning how the woman meets her end (suicide/natural causes) "this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore" In greek mythology, Charon is the ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead. Some say that those who could not pay the fee, or who were left unburied, had to wander the shores.
"There's an old voice in my head that's holding me back" she has something that is stopping her from committing suicide. "Soon it will all be over, and buried with our past" She keeps thinking about going through with it.
"There's nothing we can do. Just let me go, we'll meet again soon. Now wait, wait, wait for me. Please hang around. I'll see you when I fall asleep" She feels as though she has no other option than to end her pain. She wants him to wait for her on the other side, when she sleeps (dies) they will be together again.
I think the upbeat tune is from the male perspective-yes, I'm gone-but you can go on without me. She simply doesn't want to.
@lauraloo87 I think your interpretation is really interesting. I agree with what you say about her suicidal tendances but I only disagree with the part when you describe the man. I don't think he's a "git" who dumped her. I think he actually loves her. Also as I'm a Greek it made me really happy that you are informed about greek mythology. This was something that I didn't even think about
@lauraloo87 I think your interpretation is really interesting. I agree with what you say about her suicidal tendances but I only disagree with the part when you describe the man. I don't think he's a "git" who dumped her. I think he actually loves her. Also as I'm a Greek it made me really happy that you are informed about greek mythology. This was something that I didn't even think about

I disagree with the two previous ideas completely. It's not about a failing marriage, or about sleep. It's about a couple, but one of them is either going crazy or feels like she's going crazy.
"There's an old voice in my head that's holding me back I tell her that I miss our little talks" (The "other" side of her)
"Go go go away I wish you'd disappear"
"Don't listen to a word I say The screams all sound the same"
"Some days I can't even trust myself It's killing me to see you this way"
She can't trust her own mind, her partner is worried and the last verse solidifies this idea for me:
"'Cause though the truth may vary This ship will carry Our bodies safe to shore"
even if she can't tell what's true, what is real and what isn't, their love/relationship will keep them safe and everything will be fine in the end. Just my opinion. [:
I completely agree with this. As a person who periodically gets anxiety attacks, I have to say that the girl's lines describe rather accurately what it feels like. You feel isolated, confused, you push others away, and you doubt yourself on everything. The guy is talking her down from it and trying to get her back to the person he knows she really is.
I completely agree with this. As a person who periodically gets anxiety attacks, I have to say that the girl's lines describe rather accurately what it feels like. You feel isolated, confused, you push others away, and you doubt yourself on everything. The guy is talking her down from it and trying to get her back to the person he knows she really is.
I interpreted this song like that too. The thing about the "Go/gone away" part is that this is a duet song, so it can present conflicting ideas from the singers or a sort of agreement, like in the chorus. In this case I think it might be "Go away" because that fits with the tone of the rest of her lines. I'm guessing the ship sort of means that in the end, they have faith that they will return shaken but safe, like a ship after a storm, back to peaceful sanity, acceptance, etc, depending on how you interpret it....
I interpreted this song like that too. The thing about the "Go/gone away" part is that this is a duet song, so it can present conflicting ideas from the singers or a sort of agreement, like in the chorus. In this case I think it might be "Go away" because that fits with the tone of the rest of her lines. I'm guessing the ship sort of means that in the end, they have faith that they will return shaken but safe, like a ship after a storm, back to peaceful sanity, acceptance, etc, depending on how you interpret it.

In my opinion, this song is about a man and a woman. The man has died and is responding to the woman’s woes of sadness.
“I don't like walking around this old and empty house” — The woman speaks of how she feels when she is at home without the man. She feels empty and sad. She indicates it is old because she may feel haunted.
“So hold my hand, I'll walk with you my dear” — The man responds by trying to help her through her loss (although the woman cannot hear him)
(woman) "The stairs creak as I sleep, it's keeping me awake
(man) It's the house telling you to close your eyes” — this may be a sense of a haunting lonely feeling the woman experiences since the man died.
(woman) "Some days I can't even trust myself” — Sometimes she feels like she wants to die (commit suicide)
(man) "It's killing me to see you this way” — The man is watching over her and hates that she is so depressed. The man wants her to move on.
“Because though the truth may vary this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore” — Everyone has their own beliefs as to where we go when we die, therefore the truth of death varies amongst everyone, but we will all experience the same journey and end up somewhere safely
“There's an old voice in my head that's holding me back” — The woman stops herself from living her life because she is scared, full of remorse, and feels guilty for trying to enjoy her life without the man.
“Soon it will all be over, buried with our past” — She feels that there is no point in moving forward with her life because we will die anyway and our memories will be gone with us.
(Woman) “Some days I feel like I am wrong and I am right (Man) Your mind is playing tricks on you my dear” — she seconds guesses herself often because her mind is so scattered with memories and feelings
“Your gone, gone, gone away, I wish you'd disappear. All that's left is a ghost of you” - The woman is so depressed that she wishes the memories of the man would disappear because it is killing her inside that she cannot physically be with him anymore. He is a ghost and nothing more.
“Now we're torn, torn, torn apart, there's nothing we can do, Just let me go, we’ll meet again soon” — The man tries to convince the woman that there is nothing that can change that he is dead and he wants her to move on and live her life. He states that they will meet again when she dies too.
“Now wait, wait, wait for me please hang around. I’ll see you when I fall asleep” — The woman hopes that the man will wait for her on the other side.
This is my own interpretation of the song. My brother died 7 months ago at 25 years and this song has touched me (Even if it is not the right meaning)
@nhorkoff it was when my close friend who was 23 passed away this past summer that I heard this song in he same way you've described it. I'm sorry for your loss.
@nhorkoff it was when my close friend who was 23 passed away this past summer that I heard this song in he same way you've described it. I'm sorry for your loss.

I have to agree with the husband dying interpretation. But that's from my own personal experience...I am recently widowed. This song really hit home the first time I heard it - it's definitely how I feel most days and nights. It's hard being in our old home without him. I see him when I'm sleeping. I hear him telling me that he 'hates seeing me this way'. Some moments I want the memories to go away...and then instantly regret thinking that and never want them to, even if that means always being in pain - always feeling like I"m going crazy. But I do agree - there seems to be many ways to interpret it. It's just a sad and beautiful song. Love it.
@seyes .. Same. I was widowed 4 years ago, both in our early 40s. This song says exactly what I thought and felt at the time. Somedays I swear I can even hear him saying these things to me. In fact, nothing has changed about how I feel today.
@seyes .. Same. I was widowed 4 years ago, both in our early 40s. This song says exactly what I thought and felt at the time. Somedays I swear I can even hear him saying these things to me. In fact, nothing has changed about how I feel today.

Its a song about an old couple. The women is probably suffering from alzheimer's or a similar disease that has mental side effects. "Some days a can't even dress/trust myself" answer, "its killing me to see you this way" the chorus is refering to either the truth about what this life actually means or the truth in a diseased mind, either one the ship (life) will carry there bodies (not minds) safe together until its over (shore). they begin to sing together when it goes "your gone gone gone away" and then the next five lines because the husband is watching his wife become a ghost of who she was and the wife can hardly recongnize her husband. "Just let me go we'll meet again soon" you dont have to fight to hold on anymore, but "wait wait wait" because there are short periods when she can remember.
the little voice thats holding her back could even be her old self, holder her back from dying because the husband says "tell her that i miss our little talks" and she then says "soon it will all be over buried with our past" this could be a stretch but the song is titled "little talks"
I think if you read and listent o the whole thing again with these ideas they will seem pretty obvious. Or I could be 100% wrong...
Good interpretation :) I had the same idea while I read the lyrics.
Good interpretation :) I had the same idea while I read the lyrics.
@penname I completely agree. My mom died of alzheimer's and this song just reminds me of her disease. You are 100% on the mark. Funny how such a deep, sad topic has become a rocking live favorite.
@penname I completely agree. My mom died of alzheimer's and this song just reminds me of her disease. You are 100% on the mark. Funny how such a deep, sad topic has become a rocking live favorite.

This is from the group themselves:
THE REAL "LITTLE TALKS": Okay. "Little Talks" is... How we usually make our lyrics is, Raggi and I, sometimes we come up with stories or situations. That one is about a relationship. Sometimes we haven't wanted to give too much away. We like people to read their own things in the lyrics. I guess I could share it. It's about a couple and the husband passed away and it's from the conversation between the two of them. We don't know if she's going crazy or if someone's actually there. We've kind of been inspired by people that lived in my house. This old couple that lived there for 30 years. The woman passed away, so it was kind of different.
Who wrote the lyrics to 'Little Talks' by Of Monsters And Men?