My Body Lyrics
The train is riding
Down to the station where you lived
When we were school kids
The rails are caught now
And I am falling down
Fools in a spiral
Round this town of steam
But I won’t quit
I want more, I want more
My Body tells me no!
But I won’t quit
I want more, I want more!
The train is riding
Down to the station where I lived
When I was a cool kid
Is it my fault that
The fallen embers burn
Down in a spiral
Round your crown of thieves
I want more, I want more!
My body tells me no, but I won’t quit
I want more, I want more!
And it rides out of town
It’s my war
It's my war
His eyes are open
It’s my war
It's my war
His eyes are open
His eyes are open
I want more, I want more!
My body tells me no, but I won’t quit
I want more, I want more!
And it rides out of town

To me, it's about fighting exhaustion because you're having too good of a time to sleep. :)

It reminds me of my great white buffalo. Maybe hes nostalgic about love lost. Probably through some argument or issue that now seems insignificant. The rail reference could mean something like their lives were headin down different tracks or directions. Matches perfectly with me, sometimes your body or mind tells you no, but your heart wants more. Mine does anyway. Just a thought. This songs too good to just be about partying or giving into peer pressure.

Rather surprised no comments have been made on this song. I have almost no idea what it's about, but I kind of get the feeling he's being nostalgic about where he grew up and the place doesn't exist anymore?
This song is the classic story of reminiscing of the time gone by and the struggle to get out of the rut you have placed yourself in by becoming complacent.
This song is the classic story of reminiscing of the time gone by and the struggle to get out of the rut you have placed yourself in by becoming complacent.
Once this realization has set in the singer is saying he wants out. He wants more than he has and will do anything to get it, even if his body wants to quit he won't let it.
Once this realization has set in the singer is saying he wants out. He wants more than he has and will do anything to get it, even if his body wants to quit he won't let it.

i seriously doubt a badass band like this would sing about corporate america (put down the WSJ haha). his body is following the road/rail of fate that he's most passionate about (his war) which has coincidentally collided with the nostalgic memory of the love it sabotaged (Hey! is it my fault that/The fallen embers burn/ Down in a spiral). He regrets she could steal his heart, and his present body wants to return(The chorus and "Round your crown of thieves)
its simple, obscure, and beautiful. love it. i wish i could buy theses boys' stock.

lovesoulrockandroll nailed it.

easy breezy: it's about growing up and his friends moved on to better things and became successful. He was stuck in a rut and felt his "train" was gone and ended up working probably at a steel mill town. He realized he still gravitated toward success so even though he was too tired, he worked his ass off probably practicing with his band and he then got on his train to success and better things. BOOYA

this song is about two queer boys and you can't convince me otherwise

i think it's about doing your own thing and fuck anyone who says otherwise! the fun thing about being a human being you ALWAYS have a choice in the matter.

I think this guy had issues with his father when he was young and that his expectations for him were so high. His Dad was well know and even though he was successful and happy with his music, he couldn't please him by doing well in school. Based off of the music video, everyone around the town knew him, and were probably asking him questions related to his father. he was like a painter or something in the start, and it didn't really seem like he wanted to do that. The thing he truly found joy in was music with his band. he wants to please his dad and thats why he's telling himself no to music... but he cant quit, because he loves it too much. Over the course of the video, hes following this other version of him almost as if hes discovering himself. at he end he put the picture of the rock version of him, aka his old self

It certainly is a hard song to interpret because the verse and the chorus don't seem to correlate at all. I think you might be on to something with the nostalgia, or possibily some sort of angst against his old town. When I first heard this, I though that the lyrics were surely about sex, but that is based solely around the lyrics of the chorus.