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Red Song Lyrics

In the white I wake up
In the white I die
Somewhere in the red, I see your eyes

In the green I'm out walking
and in the green I live
Somewhere in the red, I have your lips

I dream of a cloud
I dream of you

In the blue I'm rising, like an ocean
and in the blue it's down, I sail
Somewhere in the red, I taste your skin

The girls they loved his face
Cut their fingers and they could not look away
but Joseph never saw a thing
his eyes wrapped in all these dreams

Coloured cloth in autumn gray
Coloured cloth covered with bloody stains
and without the pain
we learn to love again

My dream to find
My dream come true

In the black I feel you
In the black I sense
Somewhere in the red, the colours end
Song Info
Submitted by
swainler On May 25, 2009
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5 Meanings

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Cover art for Red Song lyrics by Hey Rosetta

This song is so incredibly haunting and good all at the same time

Cover art for Red Song lyrics by Hey Rosetta

Not so sure about the meaning, but come on, we need more HR fans in here! Great song, haunting and beautiful.

Cover art for Red Song lyrics by Hey Rosetta

"but your son never saw a thing" should be Joseph never saw a thing

Lyric Correction
Cover art for Red Song lyrics by Hey Rosetta

I think that the song can be looked at as if the colors are different phases of our life. White symbolizes birth and purity, when you're born you're pure, innocent and clean. Green represents youth and adulthood, in this phase we go out and explore the world, meet other people etc. Red represents love, passion, desire, heart and excitement; you fall in love in red and kiss your lover.

Green represents harmony, peace and tranquility, if you've got peace then you have everything, and would do adventurous things to express it. Again in red you kiss your lover i.e. taste their skin. There is a story about Potiphar wife (Zuleika) and Joseph (son of Jacob) in the Holy books, Joseph has been described as very beautiful, Potiphar wife had sexual lust for him, when mocked by some other women for her lust, she invited them for a meal. And they cut their own fingers instead of the food when they saw Joseph's good looks, also Joseph had two good and bad dreams about the future. No doubt, there is lust in all of us and we dream about good/bad stuff and forget about things.

Gray represents maturity, old age, calmness, security and reliability, after all the time you've spent together and numerous fights, you learn to love each other again. Black represents fear, anger, unhappiness, and death. You're angry with the state of affairs, the breakup is imminent, red also represents conflicting emotions, violence and danger, and with the breakup "somewhere in the red, the colours end".

Song Meaning
Cover art for Red Song lyrics by Hey Rosetta

Holy crap, I created an account just because I figured out what this song is about:

Colors + Joseph = biblical story of Joseph and his coat of many colors (yes, what the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat was based on).

I always thought this song was just about recovering after a bad break up, remembering fondly of your lost love, but realizing that there is still life to live. Now I'm also taking it to be a literary allusion as well: His dreams/prophecies haunt him, he feels utterly alone... but somewhere out there, in the dark, he knows his God/lost love/the next love to be is out there, waiting for him.

Song Meaning