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Crusifiction Lyrics

Let me give you a little inside information about God
He's laughing his sick fucking ass off
He's a tight ass
He's a sadist
Worship that?

My name is Roman
Not a King nor Emperor
Just the voice of a ghost
The past son of a whore
I transcend to dispatch this letter.
Where the rich bought rape the poor
You can astound this human race
You can embrace lies built on faith
You can manipulate a simple story
For Fear. Panic. Glory.

Fuck your God
Fuck your faith in the end
There's no religion

What if I told you that God and the devil made a wager,
a kind of standing bet for the souls of all mankind?

Would you open your eyes already
Christ died for shit, and was a fucking cunt
We were brothers born to build an army
For Fear. Panic. Glory.

Fuck your God
Fuck your faith in the end
There's no religion

Standing on the edge of insanity
Wishing for a little more time to explain
We were brothers born of a prostitute
A thief and a beggar
There is no God, I am the Devil

Fuck your God
Fuck your faith in the end
There's no religion

Fuck your God
Fuck your faith in the end
There's no religion
Fuck your God
Fuck my God
There's no God

This world is mine..
5 Meanings
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Favourite song on the new album wiL puts his views out rather bluntly but it owns as do Aiden especially live :D saw them last night

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this album is shit, they sound like a bunch of crying pussies ignorant about religion.

i understand they don't believe in or stand for anything, but really they did a terrible job on this album.

they also sound inexperienced and rushed.

Now on one hand i agree with you, i mean this was a shoddy album. its like a bad attempt at bringing back horror punk. more than sounding ignorant though, they sound like goth kids on south park ahha. simply rejecting the religion of the 'conformists'. basically the whole album is them stating "fuck _____" they just wanted to state once and for all, that they dont give a shit. its fairly immature, but thats what goth kids are known for right?

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some of the lyrics are pretty legit like saying how many people manipulate the story and many have suffered for religion, I find a lot of it offensive but whatever you can agree or not agree, a lot of bands talk like this but I personally think it could be said in a better way because its not hard to write a song like this... its pretty cheap

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i don't agree with the beliefs, but, whatever. it's not for me to judge people. good band.

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@thefiredhearts: they arent really a good band. at one point they were, as in their first albums. now though, they are just trying to gain back fans from the 'wow factor' of saying things like "fuck you and all your freinds" and "fuck your god" and "i took this innocent" and throwing things like Portrait in there. Its a disgrace to anyone who was once a fan. at least back then, they were just some goth-ish kids playing some music. now its just for gain. they have done what every other band does: release a good album, a bad one, then an over the top attempt that sucks(a.k.a. this album). makes me sad. Will has become to full of himself.

Scavengers of the Damned... Good song Elizabeth... Good song Crusifiction... Good song

I have all Aiden albums, including the new Disguises (which is great), and I am a fan of all of them. Some songs I don't really like, but all albums have good songs on it. Any true fan will stick to a band no matter what they do with their music. Metallica for example, when they released Death Magnetic, alot of people had abandoned them, but many stayed true to them.

You are saying that the album previous to Knives sucked? Conviction was great. Not to...

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